Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


    I was thinking of dinosaurs while day dreaming my head away in class as usual. For some reason, I keep thinking as if I could touch them and make them do anything that I would want in the sacred world that I could be for only a while.

    Someone had suddenly tapped my shoulder and I had jerked reflexively and frightened them.

    “Psssssst…. Angelica? Are you asleep again as usual?” that person asked.

    My friend, or rather acquaintance, Tiffany, had been tapping my shoulder. According to her, she had been tapping my shoulder and calling me for the last thirty minutes. She had been wearing this red and pink sweater that had some holes on it, probably due to the fact that she wears it almost every day. Tiffany had also had skinny jeans and these sneakers; by the looks of them, they were new.

    She had been saying that it was study period for the rest of the class and that I was missing out on all of the gossip that was going on at the moment. By the looks of it, there were these enormous groups of students in my class. I overheard some of the girls gibbering about some cute guy in the higher grades. I crept up a bit closer to them and tried to listen about what else they were talking about.

    “Angelica…. Are you really gonna go over there?” called out Tiffany from our seats at the front of the room.

    I turned back to her and was nodding my way backwards to the back, when I accidentally tripped over one of the guys’ skateboards. The skateboard had sent me flying back, while I had sent it rolling its way to the front, until it eventually stopped at a desk.

    The next thing I know, those three girls had been gathering around me, laughing. What I hadn’t figured out before was that those girls were the most popular, well known girls in the whole school. They were called the Ever Random Club. Their names were Brittany, Taylor, and Jessica. Brittany was the one always in charge, pointing at others to do her work, and Taylor and Jessica? They were just there for the show. It looks like Brittany just wanted some company so that she wouldn’t look like a loner. Others would do just about anything to get noticed by them, even if it was for a little bit.

     Getting back to reality again, I was happy I wasn’t hurt or anything. Lucky for me, all of the desks had either been moved to the front or back of the room. Everyone in the room was now gathered around me, laughing at me just as the “Popular Groupies” were doing. It was like “let’s play ‘Simon Says’”. Not one person was out of this, with the exception of Tiffany, who was just staring in awe.

    As soon as I got myself up, I grabbed my things and ran out of the room to the restroom, where I could be by myself for awhile. After I had checked my cell phone, it had become inevitable that I would have to go to my next class, English. Well, for your information, I am really good at it. I felt better knowing that most of the people in Geometry wouldn’t be in the English class.

    When I had come out of the bathroom, it had looked like the news of my embarrassment had gotten around rapidly. People had started calling out this really lame rhyme that didn’t even rhyme. I was like are you really going to act like children, even though we’re already in high school?

    Although, you could say I was the quietest and unknown person in the whole school, I had suddenly become the talk of school for that long while. I had thought of thousands of rude things to say to them, but had not dared to get acknowledged any more because of my “rude behavior”- not my words, but the words of the people who were coming up with these rumors.

    I had begun to think that it would all be over by tomorrow, but had not realized that it might still be going on the day after that and so on. I had started to run away from all of this to English class, I close my eyes, and run away in tears. Someone just all of a sudden is standing right in front of me.

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