The Jerusalem Duality

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Leonard: What are you talking about?

Dennis: That.

Sheldon: He's not wrong. Alright, and this is my office.

Dennis: Is this part of the tour?

Sheldon: Nope. Goodbye.

Leonard: Come on, Sheldon, we've hardly shown him anything.

Sheldon: Oh, alright, this is my desk, these are my books, this is my door, please close it behind you. Goodbye.

Dennis: Looks like you're doing work in quantum loop corrections.

Sheldon: Keen observation, goodbye.

Dennis: You see where you went wrong, don't you?

Sheldon: Leonard.

Leonard: Huh, yeah?

Sheldon: Get him out.

Leonard: Come on, Dennis, I'll show you the rec centre, they've got nautilus equipment.

Dennis: Do I look like I lift weights.

Leonard: Not heavy ones.

Dennis: It's startling to me you haven't considered a Lorentz invariant field theory approach.

Sheldon: You think I haven't considered it? You really think I haven't considered it?

Dennis: Have you considered it?

Sheldon: Get him out Leonard.

Leonard: Come on, Dennis, I'll show you the radiation lab.

Dennis: Wow, you won the Stephenson award.

Sheldon: Yes, in fact I am the youngest person ever to win it.

Dennis: Really, how old?

Sheldon: Fourteen and a half.

Dennis: You were the youngest person ever to win it.

Leonard: It's like looking into an obnoxious little mirror, isn't it?

Scene: The living room of the apartment.

Penny to Raj): Mmm, this is really delicious, isn't it? (Raj looks uncomfortable, then nods.) Still can't talk to me unless you're drunk, huh? (Shakes head) Oh, sweetie, you are so damaged.

Howard: Hey, I'm damaged too. How about a hug for Howie?

Ariana: Sure. Raj, hug Howard.

Sheldon (dramatically): Uh-uh-uh.

Leonard: Something you'd like to share? A tale of woe perhaps.

Sheldon: Fifteen years old. Dennis Kim is fifteen years old, and he's already correcting my work. Today I went from being Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart to... you know, that other guy.

Howard: Antonio Salieri?

Sheldon: Oh, God, now even you're smarter than me.

Howard: You know, Sheldon, you don't have so many friends that you can afford to start insulting them.

Leonard: Just eat, Sheldon, you'll feel better.

Sheldon: Why waste food. In Texas when a cow goes dry they don't keep feeding it, they just take her out and shoot her between the eyes.

Ariana: I'm confused, did Sheldon stop giving milk?

Leonard: You can't let this kid get to you. You always knew that someday someone would come along who was younger and smarter.

Big Bang Theory : The Twinsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن