Chapter 5: Non Aggressive Negotiations.

Start from the beginning

"Yes my sources confirmed that." Tywin said. "He was Lord of Winterfell for 15 minutes before someone else took it."

  "Or rather... something." Littlefinger corrected.

"What do you mean?" Tywin asked. 

"Lord Varys's birds whispered that another party from far beyond the Wall took over. It wasn't the Wildlings. It was... something else." Littlefinger answered. "A faction that calls itself: The Separatist Alliance." 

That stunned Arya. Someone took over her home. What happened to her brothers? Bran? Rickon? Jon? 

"The Separatist Alliance?" Tywin asked intrigued.

"Your guess is as good as mine, My Lord." Littlefinger replied. "The sources say that these Separatists are not of Westeros. In fact, they might not be of this world."  

"It must be connected to The Fireball from the sky. They must be the Separatists." Tywin theorized.

"Excuse me Lord Tywin." A soldier interrupted. "The Head of The Separatist Army, General Grievous is here. He wishes to meet you for a negotiation." 

"Well, bring him in then." Tywin ordered. "Let's hear what he has to say." 

The Soldier nodded. 

Tywin thought that was fast of the Separatists to show themselves. But if they truly were not of this world, than it was possible they could move faster. After all, they did cross through the stars.

And that was when 2 B1 Battle Droids with their blasters entered the castle. Behind them was General Grievous. The Kaleesh Cyborg surveyed the room to see Tywin and Littlefinger sitting before him. Arya was standing there frozen with fear. She had never seen anything like Grievous before. But she knew that if Sansa saw Grievous, she would run in fear and scream. She found it amazing that Tywin and Littlefinger were able to keep their composure.

"You must be the head of House Lannister." Grievous said as he coughed.

"You've done your research I see." Tywin replied. "You must be the Head of this Separatist Alliance." 

"Not quite. I am General Grievous. Head General in the Confederacy of Independent Systems." Grievous greeted. 

"And it would also seem, the New Lord of Winterfell." Littlefinger added. 

"Yes that too." Grievous replied.

"So tell me, why have you come to Westeros?" Tywin asked. "And why have you chosen to go to war against the Greyjoys?" He wanted to know exactly what the Separatists were doing here.

"Ah, that. There is war raging in our Galaxy. My Droid forces are currently locked in war with the Galactic Republic, and the scum known as The Jedi Order." Grievous answered. "My ship was damaged, escaping from the Jedi. And this planet happened to be in the way." 

"You're stranded, then." Tywin summed up.

"In a way." Grievous replied. "I needed a place to set up camp, before the Jedi found me. Castle Winterfell seemed a perfect place to set it up." 

Tywin looked intrigued.

"Have I interfered?" Grievous asked.

"Not at all, General." Tywin answered. "In fact, you've done me a favor. Winterfell is the Capital of The Kingdom of the North, who I am currently at war with. And then House Greyjoy took it over, and then you rushed in. I've killed two birds with one stone. And I didn't throw the stone." 

Grievous laughed, and then he coughed. But Tywin continued on. "Now then, why have you come to me yourself?" He asked. "You wanted to negotiate."

"Indeed." Grievous answered. "I wish to propose an alliance, between the Separatists and House Lannister."

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