TGS ended four years ago?

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Leslie and Ben walk out of 30 rock after getting lost for 20 minutes. They see Liz at the hot dog stand talking to the worker.
Leslie asks Ben if they should go and talk to Liz again. Ben agrees and they both walk up to her.
Liz is arguing with the worker.
"I'm sorry ma'am but you can't buy seven hot dogs. You can only buy three hot dogs per person."
"Come on man, I haven't had any today this time."
The worker argues back "You can only buy three."
"Fine, then I will take my business elsewhere. You know what, you just passed up $7.00. That could have gone into your savings for law school."
The worker sighs and shakes his head.
Leslie walks up to Liz and introduces herself again.
"Hey, do you remember me? I was the one who asked you about the tours. My name is Leslie Knope."
Liz replies, "Yes, hi, I do remember you. Liz Lemon." Liz reaches out to shake Leslies hand. Leslie ignores her. Leslies' realized something, "Wait, were you the head writer of TGS?"
"Yes I was. Are you a fan?"
"Yes! I love that show so much. I love the fart doctor sketches."
"I'm glad you liked the show, too bad it isn't on air anymore." Liz says.
Leslie starts panicking.
"The show ended?!"
"Yeah, it ended I think four years ago."
Leslie breaks down into tears and falls into Liz's arms.
Leslie yells at Ben "The show ended!"
Ben says "I know."
"You knew? Then what have I been watching for the last four years?"
"You've been watching re-runs. I'm surprised that you haven't noticed."
"Well the show is always amazing so of course I wouldn't notice."
Liz chimes in "I'm sorry, how did you not know that the show ended? Did you not see it on the news or anything?"
"I haven't seen it on the news because I can't watch the news."
"Why can't you watch the news?" Liz asks.
"Because some of the stories make me too sad. Especially the ones about animals being treated poorly."
"So you just haven't watched the news in years? Not even to see the important stuff?"
"Nope." Leslie says.
Liz looks at the worker that she tried to get seven hot dogs from and says "Well I am going to go to a different place to get all the hot dogs I want!" "Would you guys like to come with me?"
Ben and Leslie both nod yes.
"Oh, I'm Ben by the way, Leslies husband."
"Hi Ben, I'm Liz, Liz Lemon."
"Oh, so you used to work at TGS, that's why Leslie likes you."
Liz and Ben laugh.
They walk off and Leslie starts telling Liz about some restaurants they saw.

Leslie Knope-Amy Poehler
Liz Lemon-Tina Fey
Ben Wyatt-Adm Scott

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