As I walked my way with confidence. I was swaying my hips as I walked through the halls. Hearing everyone whisper from beside.

'Oh My gosh Is that Isabella?'

'She looks so different'

'She's single right?'

By hearing those words come out from their mouths. A smile escaped my lips.


I heard an exact voice from behind say. I knew who it was. And when I looked at him. Man he looked awful. He had sunken bags underneath his blue eyes.

"Oh? Hey Draco, I almost didn't notice you?" I said while slowly walking near.

"Wow, you look very beautiful Isabella" He said while looking up and down.

"Aw, Thanks, I very much appreciate that" I said while rubbing his shoulders.

"Im so happy you're not mad at me anymore, look about wha-"

"Oh? I mean, why should I be mad? I should be happy I lost someone whose irrelevant like you, you piece of shit!" I said before walking away.

"Wait, what the fuck do you mean? Is this even you? You fucking changed!" he shouted

"Yeah Malfoy, Thank You for making me realize that men like you shouldn't be loved. Because you do not deserve it because you're a fucking manipulative spoiled twat!" I shouted.

"This isn't you Isabella! I liked the old one better" He shouted

"Oh really? You should've maybe thought about that before you even did what happened 2 months ago" I exclaimed. I walked away and left him standing there.

But my consciousness stopped me. Wait! No! Why should you be concerned? You shouldn't be! Its his fault. If he can do that to other girls well not you. He made you do this.

Then a voice behind my mind spoke

'But Isabella, You still love him?'

'No, you dont Isabella!' Another part of me said as ny thoughts were fighting.

It was like my thoughts were fighting me.


I was gonna meet my Gryffindor friends now, I've already talked and chatted with Zach, Mads, and Blaise earlier.

As I walked down the lake. I saw Ginny, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Fred and George, and Neville. All sitting.

"Bloody hell, Is that you Isabella, you look so beautiful" Ron said making me smile from his compliment.

"We agree" Fred and George said at the same time.

"What do you think Harry?Ginny? Neville?" I asked before sitting down and giving them each bread with cheese filling on it

"You look brilliant!" Harry exclaimed while biting from the bread I gave him.

"We should get studying y'know?" Hermione spoke while she was biting from the bread I gave her.

"We can do that later Mione" Ginny said

"Isabella, wanna study with me later in Herbology?" Neville asked shyly

"Of course Neville, I have nothing much to do" I smiled.

Mads And Zach didnt get along that much with the Gryffindors. So I'd always meet them separately. Mads even hates Ginny cause she heard her call her a slop face. But she said sorry already. and Mads accepted.

DADA Class.

I entered the class and saw that Professor Lupin wasn't there. I saw Draco there sitting angrily beside Blaise.

"Hey Draco, Hey Blaise, may I sit beside you guys?" I asked. I knew Blaise would agree considering we're friends.

"Of course Isabella" He said but before I could sit. Draco covered the seat.

"You're not fucking sitting here, find anothet seat you bitch" Draco said. It still tackled me but I contained it.

"Draco there's no meed to be such a meany" I said while pulling out a fake pouty face. But again before I could sit down I heard someone call my name again.

"Well, well, well, she thinks that now she changed her clothes, Draco would like her" A voice behind me say. I saw Maya, Helga, And Pansy laughing.

"You're still the same bitch you were before" Maya exclaimed.

"Hm? Funny, and you're still the same slut of a cousin you were before" I shouted. I heard everyone from the room laugh at the sight of Maya.

"Oh yeah? Well you're a- a- " Helga said but couldn't think of what to say.

"Oh, And you Helga, you're still the same replaced brat you were before" I said before raising a brow on the three of them standing awkwardly.

"Oooooh, What are yall gonna say bout that?" Blaise asked with laugh which also made me laugh.

"Shut Up Blaise!" Pansy shouted.

The three of them sat on the other side of the room across us.

"What fucking game is this Easton?" Draco asked

"Hm, we'll all see" I said with a wink.

I noticed from below that his erection grew hard.

"Oh? Is Draco Malfoy getting hard?" I asked.

"Im not- " He said "Im not fucking hard!" He shouted.

"If you say so" I said.

My plan went good as expected.

𝐎𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐀𝐓𝐄  (𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲)Where stories live. Discover now