Truth !

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" Oppa, we need  to talk " command Tzuyu to her brother who still eyes laid on the TV.

He lowers the TV volume before facing his sister, which he saw busy tried to dialing someone.

" Who are you calling? Uncle?  Don't disturb him," said Han.

Tzuyu keep pressing the keypad button about three times and yet no one pick up the call.

" Are they always sleep early?" Ask Tzuyu as she turns her gaze to him which the latter raised his eyebrow. Meaning he don't get what does Tzuyu pointed is.

"Mom and dad," said her simply.

Han widens his eyes and turn his body posture facing his sister.

"Wae? For what?"

Tzuyu gives him that look. Angry mix with a disgusting face, she got. Before her speak, her phone ringing. A video call from her mom and dad.

She quickly adjusts the screen.

"Hello Tzu-ya. How have you been?" Asked her mother in Taiwan language.

Not to forget Tzuyu and her brother also speak in their native language.

Han moves closer to Tzuyu so he can hear clearly and loudly of their parents voice.

" I'm fine same with Han. How about you? Where is dad?"

Her mom just chuckle look how funny her son and daughter face on the screen. She knew they were missing each other, especially Tzuyu. She still remembered the last time they met, 1 year ago. It's been a while, she really misses her daughter.

" who's there, honey? Is it Tzuyu?" Her father voices could be heard from the line.

Tzuyu and Han immediately greet their parents properly. Somehow they talk about random stuff and also how was Tzuyu there. Even though they are apart from their parents, still Tzuyu remember them. Always.

" Oh anyway, what's the matter you called us at this time, Tzuyu?"  Said her mother who seems confused by the sudden called.

Tzuyu then exchange her gaze to her brother while Han just gives her the 'damn-look' . It is because he also didn't know what is the main reason Tzuyu called them.

" Tell me the truth about Zihao" Tzuyu said straightforwadly make the other three shocks for a while. 

"I know that three of you hiding something from me. So, this night right now I'm begging you guys to tell me everything about it " Tzuyu sigh and lower her head " even I know my family lied to me after how many years. There is no point to say no this time. I'm grown up and I knew what is the best and the worst even it can hurt me after all . I just need an explanation. That's all. "

Han and his parents become clueless. They froze still processing from what was Tzuyu saying just  right now. Tzuyu was right. There is no point to ignore this kind of question anymore. It's been almost 4 years they keep this secret from her. Now, it is the time to tell the truth behind of Zihao.

Mrs.Chou quickly snapped the thin air between them right now even though it's just a video call, but she can  sense how Tzuyu's feel right now. She and Mr. Chou give a simple nod to Han.

" Remember, the day you had an accident?" Asked her mother.

Tzuyu look blankly before give a simple nod.

" it is on purpose," said her father, which made Tzuyu become more confused.

" what do you mean? Someone wants us to die?" Said Tzuyu.

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