Chapter Two

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I logged onto my Instagram account the next morning and saw Mike had responded to my DM. I opened it and sighed thankfully for Mike's quick forgiveness.

It's okay, I understand lol but your dad is scary, I'll admit. Really sucks he took your phone:( We should talk again ASAP!

I had to get ready for school so I didn't have the time to reply. I frowned at that but began getting dressed in the usual dark clothing. I left my room and headed to the bathroom, passing my dad's door as I walked by it and silently noting that he wasn't home.

I finished getting ready in the bathroom and went back to my bedroom to see Mike left another message through the DM.

My school is out today so if you get your phone back early, feel free to text anytime. Also, I really want to video chat with you again soon, there's some things on my mind that I need clarified lol. Have a good day and if anyone starts chewing on your ass, don't stand for it. Kick them in their soft spot and tell them Mike sent you!;)

I was puzzled by his message but it also caused me to smile once again. He knew how to make me feel better so easily. I was curious although about his mention of things he needs clarified. What's been going through his mind?

I gasped at the clock as I saw I was running a bit late and quickly grabbed my bag and ran out the door. I was surprised to see that I actually made on the bus today and took my usual seat in the way back that only could hold one student.

I wasn't surprised by the snarky comments about me that already reached my ears. I put headphones in my ears and relaxed my head against the window. I raised my knees onto the seat and hugged them with my arms.

"How is he that skinny?" I could still hear someone asking their friends in a rude manner.

"I bet he just doesn't eat." Came the response.

"Like you think he's anorexic?" They asked for confirmation and I tuned out the sound of them, raising the volume of my music to a max.

I started thinking about what they said. Am I anorexic? No, I couldn't be. I think I eat normally, but at the same time I don't. I never eat breakfast, I don't eat lunch, I don't eat when I get home, and I usually eat supper. Is that so odd? Maybe it is but I don't feel the urge to lose weight or to count my calories.

We arrived at the school and I felt a small shiver run down my spine. It was a dark and cloudy day, light sprinkles of rain trickling down slowly from the sky. I slipped out of the bus last and made my way into the school. There were four levels and my locker was on the third, being a junior in high school.

I went up and around the stairs inside and put in my locker combination, propping it open. I grabbed a single notebook for my maths class even though I'd need a book. I'm dropping out of school anyway.

I closed the locker gently and went back to the stairs, my classroom being on the first floor. I made it back down one group of stairs before being stopped by one of the biggest guys in my grade. He ripped the headphones out of my ears, making me flinch remarkably.

"Can you hear me now, Bennington?" He snarled and I took a very small step backwards. He grasped my arm and yanked me forward, not loosening his grip the slightest. He lifted me off my feet slightly by my one arm and I tried to pull away.

"Please let go of me." I begged and he dropped me, sending my body crumpling to the floor. He picked me back up quickly and grabbed my iPod with my headphones and my notebook. He took me to the next group of stairs and chucked my stuff down them.

"Fetch, Bennington, fetch!" He yelled and pushed my body down the stairs. I rolled and tumbled and hit my head against the concrete stairs, trying to stop myself with my hands but nothing was any good. I fell onto my side when I finally hit the floor. I groaned and tried to rest my body against the wall. I felt light headed and my scalp felt wet. I raised my hand to my hair line and felt a cut, bringing my finger back down to see blood. I shivered at the sight of my own blood and tried to rise.

I made my way to the bathroom and stepped into class halfway through when the bleeding stopped. My teacher saw the cut and a bit of the dry blood I missed and didn't ask me any questions. After four of my classes, it was lunch time.

I sat alone in a corner on the floor. I avoided everyone as best I could. I wasn't eating, which caused people to send rude remarks towards me. I tried my hardest not to let it get to me.

The rest of the school day went by not very smoothly. I got kicked from behind, pinched, and tripped a couple of times on my way out of the school and onto the bus. I returned my headphones to my ears on the way home.

When I got home, my phone was sitting on the table and my dad wasn't home. I picked it up with a slight smile planted across my face. I was just happy to have it back. Mike's time zone is an hour behind mine so he still has another hour left of school. I did have a message although from one of my other online buddies.

Sly: Hey, Chaz:) It said. I hesitated before replying. I hadn't talked to Sly for a while. He also lives in California but has never talked to Mike or has had any interest in meeting him.

Me: Hi, sorry I didn't reply right away. My dad took my phone lol

Sly: Again? Why? He asked almost immediately. Why wasn't he in school?

Me: Mike again. My dad just doesn't get it haha. Aren't you supposed to be in school?

Sly: I skipped today lol and I hope ur dad someday understands

Me: Yeah, I do too.

Sly: So what's up? Haven't talked in a while

Me: Yeah, I know, I'm sorry lol but I'm not doing anything really, just got back from hell, what about you?

Sly: Haha don't worry about it, buddy. And how was your school day? I'm not doing anything either, just thinking about my next art piece I'm going to do.

I always found it strange that Sly suddenly was interested in art right after I mentioned Mike loved to paint. He's also shaped himself like Mike in other ways as well, I find it very odd.

Me: It was just the usual bull shit and what're you going to paint?

Sly: idk yet, I need something that can capture people's attention

Me: Oh, so you have no ideas for it yet?

Sly: I have one but you'd find it strange.

Me: Try me. I dared and pressed send on my phone.

Sly: You

Me: Me?

Sly: Yeah, you catch people's attention and I think it'd be fun.

Me: Oh well sorry to leave now, it has nothing to do with what you just said, my dad just got home and he doesn't like it when I talk to any of my buddies and he'll accuse you of being Mike so I'll have to talk to you later.

Sly: Okay, talk to you later

I closed out of messenger and frowned. Of course I lied, my dad wasn't home. I just didn't know what to say. I hope he doesn't bring it up again.

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