010; The Untold Truth Revealed and Another Step Forward

Start from the beginning

As they both celebrated their little moment, Atlas' phone started to ring. Evelyn picked it up  thinking it was hers, "Yes, hello?" She said politely, "Oh. Hello dear. Is my son there with you?" The sweet woman asked, Evelyn panicked seeing the phone wasn't hers and the ID read 'Mother Dearest' and with that she practically threw the phone at Atlas' and slapped her hand over her mouth. "Hi mum~ What's the matter?" Atlas asked his mum, his mum simply asking where he was since he wasn't home, "AHH! Ye, about that. I'm with my now fiancé. I've been staying with her for the week. Don't worry I had your assistant come to check and ensure everything was safe day and night whilst I was here."  Atlas said it so nonchalantly, it almost make it unbelievable to hear, even with the ring on her finger. Evelyn heard his mothers excited screams from the phone and a 'I have to meet her! TONIGHT!' With that Evelyn ran off to get dressed mouthing, 'OKAY!' as Atlas laughed at her clumsiness as she nearly fell over her own feet. 

Evelyn dressed in something smart but casual. A pair of white jeans with a soft blue flowy top, pairing it with mismatch silver earrings and a silver necklace and bracelet. Her make up soft and warm to compliment the cool colours in her top. Atlas dressed in white suit pants with a soft blue shirt, pairing a silver watch and small cross chain with his outfit. "I like this matching thing we did. It feels like we're truly engaged now." Atlas said as he admired his Fiancé. "Let's take some pictures for my Instagram" Evelyn said excitedly, but then turned around to face him, "If that's okay with you? I don't want to reveal our relationship if you're not comfortable, after all it'll end up on the news and all." She said a little concerned. "It's fine. Let's tale some pictures." Atlas answered and dragged her to the mirror. 

Once the pictures were uploaded, Evelyn was bombarded with tons and tons of comments

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Once the pictures were uploaded, Evelyn was bombarded with tons and tons of comments. Many of love and support, a few that were a bit unsure, and then the rare few that were hateful and upset. She ignored them, knowing they were just upset their fantasies weren't fulfilled. Atlas also posted the pictures and a few of the many other pictures they had together, even the ones of the flower garden; some being the ones Evelyn didn't know he took and some of which she knew he took, the last being the one on the boat of them kissing in the sunset. Again the comments very mixed, but many more on his account being hateful. I guess it's the same as dating an idol. 

With that, they headed out for the car and began to drive to his parent's house, or should i say castle. Atlas made a quick stop by a alcohol store to purchase a bottle or champagne for his parents. However, when they both got out the car a sudden ambush of people, some clearly fans and others being the press and paparazzi attempting to ask them questions, girls crying and shouting hateful things at Evelyn, trying to grab her hair and bag and other things they could reach. Eventually, Atlas had enough, "STOP IT! All of you. It's ridiculous. Leave me and my Fiancé alone. I'm here to simply purchase a gift for my parents and head off, I shouldn't have to deal with this." He shouted at them, seriousness and anger consuming him. "But she's stealing you away and she only wants you for your money." a girl in the crowd said, scoffing at Evelyn. Atlas saw red, "What do you know?! HUH?! She's been my girlfriends for over a year, and she only just found out about who I am and Who my family is. I know damn well she isn't dating me for money." Atlas snapped back, the girl flinching as he screamed. With that they bought the champagne, and left. 

They arrived at his parent's house shortly after, heading straight in as an assistant parked the car. Atlas opened the front door and took a deep inhale, smelling the air of his home, reminding himself of his luck. Then his mother could be heard. "Oh my! Hello dear, welcome, welcome. OH~ You're truly beautiful. Isn't she Honey?" She said, hugging Evelyn and then looking back at her husband, " Yes, she is." He said with a bright smile. With that YeongJa led them both to the dining area where the food was layout and a few other guests sat. "Welcome to you're engagement party!" Yeongja said, both their jaws dropping as they were left speechless. "MUM! DAD! Thank you so much!" Atlas said hugging his mother and father tightly. They sat down and began to answer the many questions and eat the food. 

For once I feel accepted for me, not only by my love, but by his parents. 


A/N: What a long chapter huh? I hope you enjoyed this. Also fun fact. This was started and completed the same night I uploaded Chpater 9. Told you all I'd make sure I got a sh!t ton done before i go back to college. ;))!

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