'Gah! This is awkward! I feel like I wanna scream'

The walk to my house was a quiet one but surprisingly I felt comfortable, I just hope Kaeya also felt that way.

When we arrived at my house it was still pouring like hell

"Hey Kaeya, it's still raining hard, are you sure you can get home?"

"Hm? Are you worried? Don't worry I can get home" he smiled

I had a nagging feeling that something might happen to him so guess what I did...

I asked if he wanted to stay

"Do you wanna stay until the storm's gone? I have enough food for both of us and if the storm doesn't go away until tomorrow I can always cook"

"I am tempted to taste what your cooking might taste like... why not? Plus this can make up for when I couldn't hang out with you and Amber last week"

I had a happy look on my face and invited him in.

Even though we had an umbrella we still got wet from the rain, I skimmed through my closet and found towels and extra clothes that used to belong to my dad. I walked back downstairs and handed Kaeya the clothes and towels

"Take a shower first, you might also get sick" I said to Kaeya as I prepared some snacks "The bathroom is just upstairs, first room you see" Kaeya nodded and went upstairs.

When I was sure he was gone I collapsed on the floor

"Am I dumb?! Why did I invite the boy I possibly like into my house?!" I whisper yelled "Am I really too nice like Amber and Katheryn say?"

I mentally facepalm myself and bring out some drinks.

I hear the bathroom door open, I compose myself and try not to freak out

"There's some drinks on the table if you want, I also turned on the TV so we can watch to pass time" I said as I started cooking dinner

"So you really do know how to cook! Whoever marries you is lucky" he chuckled

I got caught in surprise by his comment and accidentally cut my finger with the knife, I squint in pain and grabbed the first aid kit

"Are you okay?" Kaeya asked getting up from the table "Yeah I'm fine I just accidentally cut myself"

"Be careful or else you might cut your finger off" he joked

"Oi, don't scare me or else I'll give you I bad dish"


The storm didn't go away and it's already 6pm so I decided to cook the food already

"Do you like fish?" I asked

'That honestly sounded weird'

Kaeya hummed yes and I continued cooking.

I sat down beside Kaeya to watch TV while waiting for the food to finish cooking, as we watched TV I realized something...

If the storm doesn't go away until tomorrow morning will he have to stay the night here???

"Hey Kaeya, if the storm doesn't go away you can sleep in my room and I can sleep on the couch, okay?"

"I prefer if you sleep in your room,(Y/N), I'm an unexpected guest so it's better for me to sleep on the couch"

"Being a guest is all the more reason for you to sleep on an actual bed"

"You're good at arguing, alright you win I'll stay in your room"

"Just don't snoop around, okay?"

"Of course, its rude to go into someone else's business without permission"


Unfortunately the worst situation came true, it was already 9pm but it was still raining equally as hard as when we left school

"Alright it's already late, I'm going to sleep you should too. Oh yeah, my bedroom is just beside the bathroom"

We said goodnight to each other and went to sleep.

Kaeya's POV

I enter (Y/N)'s room and see that it's rather colorful, as I walked towards the bed I see a small photo on her nightstand. It was a picture of a family, a mother holding a little baby and a dad

"Is that (Y/N)? How...cute" I put down the picture frame and went to sleep.

(Y/N)'s POV

"You WHAT?!" Amber yelled

"Calm down, I had no choice"

"Ah! Is my ship sailing?!" she squealed

I told Amber about the events that happened last night and she is absolutely LOSING IT

"It's time for class,Amber" I said as I pulled her towards the classroom

"I'll be cheering you on from the sidelines, (Y/N)!"


Sorry about the shit that was chapter 4 I made it at like 2 in the morning. To make up for it I made chapter 5 more romantic? Idk how to explain it without using words from my native language ((((;゚Д)))))))

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