Before long it's around 12, and the rest of the boys are wrapping up their personal meet and greets, so we do the same and join the rest of the group on the side of the building for a little bit of privacy.

"Ok, can we go get lunch now?" Cooper asks with a heavy sigh, placing one hand on his stomach. Ted agrees with a loud groan.

"Ok where do we want to go?" Carson asks with a little laugh.

"Well I want to go get pizza from that place across the street." Cooper adds on, pointing in the general direction of the pizza place we passed on the way in.

"Oh, but I want chicken nuggets," Charlie complained.

"Ok we can go different places, y'know." Madi says with an exasperated sigh. I hadn't even really noticed that she had found us, but I guess Ted had gone to get her at some point. The boys split up into groups, with Cooper, Ted, Madi and Noah going to get pizza, and Charlie, Carson, Travis, and Josh going to Chick Fil A. Schlatt and I were busy trying to make our decisions. He wanted to get Chick Fil A but I wanted pizza, so he was very conflicted about what to do.

"Schlatt," I say and put a hand on his shoulder, "We can go different places, it's fine." I tell him with a little laugh.

"But I kinda wanted to eat with you." He says with a little frown, pulling me aside from the group a little bit so they wouldn't hear him sounding whiny. I cock my head at him and give him a little smirk, silently bullying him for sounding like such a simp.

"We can meet up once everyone gets their food," I tell him with a little laugh. He huffs in response before Carson yells at us to get a move on.

"Lets go guys, we have to be back at 1!!" Carson yelled out, wanting to get going so he could eat his spicy chicken sandwich. I gently push Schlatt towards him and make my way over to the other half of the group. Schlatt gives me a little wave as we break off into our groups to go get some lunch. It was kind of weird to be without him, even for such a short amount of time, considering that we had been spending so much time together in the past few days, but it wasn't necessarily a bad thing.

I hopped into the back seat of Ted's car with Cooper and Madi, while Noah took the front seat. The car was pretty noisy, with the boys debating morally incorrect toppings to have on pizzas. From beside me, Madi gently taps my arm to get my attention.

"So, you and Schlatt huh?" She asks with a little smirk. I blush in response and turn to look at the boys, who were too distracted with each other to notice our conversation.

"I mean, not officially or anything, but yeah." I tell her, returning her smile, "Is it that obvious?" I ask her with a little laugh.

"Well Schlatt makes it very obvious," She laughs, "I swear every time I look at him he's staring at you." She tells me with another little smile, making me blush. I tell her all about our relationship, and don't spare any details about how things have been going.

"What?!?!" She laughs out, "He kissed you on stream!?!" She asks me. I laugh and gesture for her to keep her volume down, not that the boys were even paying attention.

"Yeah, I mean we were off camera, but chat sure as hell still noticed something was going on." I tell her with a little giggle. We whisper back and forth about the situation until we reach the pizza place and everyone piles out of the car. Madi and I decide to split a pizza because neither of us are picky about toppings, but the boys each get their own because they couldn't agree on anything. Madi and I stick to the corner of the little shop, still talking about Schlatt.

"Hey ladies," Ted interrupts our little conversation and sits down next to Madi, "We talking about Schlatt over here?" he asks with a raised eyebrow and a big smile. The somewhat shocked looks on our faces make him laugh.

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