The big reveal~

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Hello there my loves!!! I am so happy that I got a few reads I hope you stay on this confusing but fun journey with me! It would be a big help if you guys wrote comments (nice ones please) at least so I know if there are things you guys want me to add or change. After careful consideration I will decide if i incorporate it to the story!! Okay on with the story my loves!!

Narrator: Izuku and Bakugou are in the locker room still

Izuku's POV

I looked to Kaachan again kind of desperate for a proper answers.

"Kaachan just tell me. T-there is n-nothing you can say that will change my mind!" I said swiftly with both anxiety and confidence.

I see Kaachan get up from the bench he was sitting and come talk to me. "Look for everyone's safety it is better if you didnt know what was going on!" Bakugou's eyes trailed off of my eyes as he looked me down all the way on the ground. I chuckle kind of surprise by the way Bakugou was acting.

"Only I act like that so why are you acting so weird Kaachan?" I ask nervously while slightly chuckling which seemed to make him sad and with that I knew something was up. Bakugou never looked sad...well except for that one time when we were at his house and his mom slapped him but that's it.

"Nothing is wrong Deku... (starts mumbling thinking he is talking is his head) ALRIGHT IM TOTALLY DONE! YES I KNOW I AM TALKING IN MY HEAD BUT I AM STUCK IN A ROOM WITH ONE OF MY CRUSHES THAT WILL NOT TELL ME WHAT IS HAPPENING!! Okay I am breathing now it's time for me to get out of here!"

Narrator POV

Bakugou looks at his a bit confused.

"What the fuck did you just say?" Bakugou asks with a eyebrow raised. "I- you- huh- I-" Izuku stutters off. Bakugou get's closer to him and puts a hand on his cheek looking into his eyes. Izuku looks up at him a bit shocked from the sudden affection.

"You have a crush on me Deku?" Bakugou asks mischievously. "I-!! HUH?? I- You-!" Bakugou leans in closer and whispers in his ear. "Do. You. Have. A. Crush. On. Me?" Izuku nods scared of what Bakugou will do. Bakugou just smirks and looks down at him. "...good."

"Well...uhm...I-" Izuku starts to explain but then there is a loud banging from the locker room door. Bakugou starts being protective and hides Izuku behind him which Izuku tries to protest but is soon shut up by more banging. 

"Bakubro!!" Kirishima shouts from outside the door still banging. "They are gonna come after us soon!! Get your ass out here and bring Midobro!!" Izuku starts blushing when he hears his other crush mention his name. In all honesty Izuku is in love with three boys at the same time but he will never admit it. 

"Okay okay Shitty hair! Give us a damn minute!" Bakugou turns around and faces Izuku. "We will be talking about that whole crush thing later. Right now you are going to get on my back and not look at anything got me?" "Huh? Why wouldn't I-..?" "Because I fucking said so! Now get on my back and close your eyes!!!" Izuku doesn't hesitate after that and get's on Bakugou's back closing his eyes and burying his face into Bakugou's neck.

Bakugou runs up to the door holding Izuku breaking down the small barrier he had put up and unlocks the door coming out. Kirishima is standing there with his pointy fangs hanging out looking really mad. "Calm down you did well." Bakugou says touching Kirishima's arm earning a nod from Kirishima and he relaxes a bit but is still on edge. "We should go...who knows how long until they catch up...I don't think I can out run them with my injury. It's not healing yet." Bakugou nods in agreement and starts running with Kirishima following  him.

~la time skip because this Author doesn't want to write it.~

Bakugou's POV

Me and Shitty hair got to my house with Deku about a hour ago. Deku fell asleep on me as we made our way to my house. Damn why is he so cute...only if I could tell him. "What the heck you mean if? We are going to tell him! He deserves to know even if he doesn't accept us!" Damn well I guess we are telling Deku... "Will you stop fucking talking in your head? I am right here!!" "Haha my bad! I was mostly thinking I wasn't trying to mindlink with you."

"It's okay my love. You didn't do anything wrong. I just think we should tell him. He has the right to it. Haven't you smelled him? He doesn't even remotely smell human..." Shitty hair looks at Deku and pets his head and sits next to him on my bed. I go next to both of them and sit down holding Shitty hair as he pets Deku. "I know he doesn't but it concerns me...What the fuck is he then?" Deku starts to shift in his sleep making us fall quiet. After a few minutes we see a fluff of green sit up then I see the most beautiful emerald green ever.

Izuku's POV

I wake up feeling someone petting my head and I look up seeing...KIRI?! I quickly sit up and look at both of them. I see Kaachan is sitting there as well and I blush slightly seeing both of them looking at me. "Like what you see Deku?" I blush harder hiding my face a scooting back. They both laugh at my embarassment making me blush more and hide my face in the bed. 

Bakugou's POV

"Deku we have to tell you something..." I look to Shitty hair and he gives me a nod telling me soothing words through mindlink. I see Deku sit up looking confused and scoots closer to us seeing the worry in my eyes...WHY IS HE SO DAMN HOT??? Shitty hair smacks me lightly and I look at him annoyed.

"Uhm so...what is it Kaachan?" I look at him again a bit nervous. "I-I'm a-"

Lmao sorry!! Okay okay I will let him finish!

"I'm a werewolf."

Izuku's POV

Okay I don't know what came over me but I can't stop laughing! Did he just say Werewolf? HAHAHAHAHAHA! Does he not realize that those are fake?? Like what? Omg this is priceless! I am laughing so hard that I just fell off the bed! Oh my god this is funny! What next vampires are real? "yes...they are..." "HUH????"


Okay now I'm done for real guys!! I'm so sorry I stopped writing! School was hectic and I really needed to focus on it. Can you guys comment which writing style you liked better? The one from the first chapter or this one? I love you all and I hope your having a good day!! Oooooo comment if you guys also want me to write any other stories! Preferably MHA for now!! Thank youuuuu! Bye loves!

1176 wordssss I'm so proud of myself!!! Sorry I suck at telling stories so I hope it wasn't too confusing. You guys should also check out my friends stories!! Their account is LiviEst! Sorry I'm rambling now! BYEEEE!

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