starry night

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Warnings: a little swearing

Remus hadn't slept properly in the last week. With the pressure of studying for his O.W.L's and doing Prefect duties stress and anxiety overcame him. So here he was with all the curtains drawn by his bed, with his eyes shut too tight. He just couldn't seem to shut his mind off.

After around 20 more minutes of him trying to force himself to sleep, he shoots up from his pillow. Running his hands over his face as he hears James' snoring from across the room. Remus draws one of his curtains and stands near the window next to his bed.

It was a pretty night. Just around a week before the full moon which was another reason he probably couldn't sleep. He looked over towards his sleeping friends for a moment, then back outside. He decided it would probably be a good idea to take a walk, get some fresh air. He could wear his Prefect badge if anyone caught him. He's sure he would be able to make up an excuse on the spot.

He gently puts on his robes and tiptoes towards the door to the Gryffindor common room. The fire was just about to die. Still holding on to the littlest flames trying to keep it alive. It was around 2AM. He saw a third-year passed out on the couch who seemed to have been studying.

He makes his way towards the portrait hole and slips out. Going all the way down the staircases. When he's finally reached the end, he goes straight towards the first entrance outside. He subconsciously starts going towards the wooden bridge. A lengthy path he already knows too well. He doesn't try to think about the fact he'll be here around this time next week.

As he stares down beneath the bridge, he hears the sound of feet on grass near the other side of the bridge. He barely sees something, something small and decides to make his way towards the exit. Just before he steps off he peers over, and spots a small rabbit trying to hide from something. He finally steps out and feels someone grip his arm.

"No! Don't go towards her. Don't make a sound." He looks over his shoulder and see's a girl from his charms class. A Ravenclaw, as he can tell by her robes. She looks back up at him and notices his Prefect badge. Her eyes go wide.

"Oh god, you're Remus aren't you? A Prefect. Oh my god please don't rat on me. My rabbit ran out of the common room earlier today and I've been trying to catch her-" "It's fine, it's fine." He smiles at her.

He had never spoken to anybody outside of The Marauders unless he really had too. Which wasn't very often. But this girl, (Y/N)? Was it? Always seemed very approachable. She had a lot of friends, or acquaintances, and was almost always talking to them about something interesting. He had overheard a few of her conversations and could tell she had a bright mind, and she loved astronomy.

She takes her hand off of his arm. "Sorry. I didn't mean to grab you like that. I just didn't want to startle her." She gives him a weak smile. She tiptoes forward, calling out, "Aspen! Come here!" quietly. He goes stiff, feeling awkward being alone with a girl he's spoken to like once in his life.

He was going to go back to his dorm, thinking, she's got this under control. But right as he was turning around she whisper-shouts, "Fuck!" and her rabbit, Aspen, has run away once again. She squeezes the bridge of her nose in obvious frustration.

"How long have you had her?" He asks, speaking before he can think. "A week or so before the beginning of the year. But she clearly hasn't really warmed up to me yet. When it's been months. Which is extremely aggravating. Anyways, Remus? Right, that's your name? I doesn't seem like you have much you're doing right now. Do you mind helping me catch Aspen?"

She was right, he did have nothing to do. So he just told himself 'fuck it', and nods with a forced smile. She smiles back, but with more heart than his had, and he already feels bad for that obviously fake smile.

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