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Warnings: a swear

It was just a normal day in Defense Against the Dark Arts but for some reason Y/N could just feel someone's eyes burning holes into the back of her head. She didn't want to turn around, because in all honesty, she didn't want to know who it was.

"You're not making it less obvious you like the girl when you're staring at the back of her head like that." Sirius nudged James. "Well Sirius, I think I am simply in love." James exaggerated the last two words, placing his hand over his heart.

"Well, why don't you just go tell her instead of making her uncomfortable." "How do you know she's uncomfortable?" "It's not that hard to tell. Literally look at her."

Sirius was right, she did look pretty uncomfortable. Her shoulders were tense and she was looking all over the room as she fiddled with the pencil in her hands.

He tried to stop for the rest of the class, but it was pretty hard not to. Defense had been so boring today only because he had Quidditch practice later that day and he couldn't wait any longer.

So then he was back to staring, and Sirius just rolled his eyes and didn't try to stop him again.

"Something more interesting today, Potter?" Mr. L/N spoke to the boy, immediately grabbing his attention. "No, not really." "Well you seem to be stuck in some sort of daydream. Staring over at Miss Y/N the entire class." Sirius chuckled.

Y/N's cheeks went bright red as her friend nudged her looking over at James. She wanted to curse her stupid brother for bringing this up in front of the entire class. Now she could feel everyones eyes on her, not just James's.

"Well, I don't think she can help that fact that she's very beautiful, sir." Her embarrassment seemed to skyrocket and she felt like she might just pass out by everybody laughing around the class.

"Well, Mr. Potter you just happen to be talking about my lovely sister... so now you just have to tell me everything we were talking about before I called you out."

Y/N's head fell on the desk in even more embarrassment if that was even possible. First James, and now her brother. They had 30 more minutes of class. This was not going to be fun to deal with at all.

Just like Y/N, James's face turned beet red at that. Sirius was trying to hold in his laughter as he clapped a hand onto the boys shoulder.

Her brother smirked at the boy and said, "Well Potter, I think this class will get a lot more interesting for you."

When class was dismissed Y/N ran straight out of the room, a couple girls following behind her. It was pretty hard to grab James's attention, and a lot of girls liked him so they all wanted to know all about her.

Y/N didn't really get the appeal of him at first, but then her brother began to pair them up for projects in class. Sirius, who would usually be mad about this, cheered him on as he sat next to her.

After a couple more lessons, she started to loosen up to the boy and actually took his compliments instead of just joking with him. But her beginning to like the boy meant her brother was even more of a little shit.

He tended to joke about the two of them during class, and when James seemed to be getting a little too close for comfort, her brother would swoop in with a hand on his back asking him about the weather.

Today was just like any other, the boy was staring helplessly at her and she couldn't stop blushing. She wanted to say something but she didn't know what, and when the bell rang her brother said, "Y/N, James, stay with me a second after class."

Sirius gave James a thumbs up and ran out of the room.

"Alright, it's bloody obvious the two of you like each other, so I am being my sisters wingman, and telling you both to do something about this or I might just humiliate the two of you some more. Both of you are lucky I didn't do this in front of the class."

James and Y/N both exchanged looks and began to laugh. "Well, thank you Mr. L/N because I didn't know how much longer I could hold it in. I thought you were going to kill me." "I thought about it a couple times, don't worry."

They stood in an awkward silence as Y/N said, "Are we allowed to go now...?" "Oh yeah, yes. Sorry." Right as he said the words, James took Y/N's hand and led her through the corridor.

He swayed their hands back and forth. "You're making it a scene with it so obvious that we're holding hands." "Is that such a bad thing?" "With you, James Potter, yes, it is." "For a second I thought you actually liked me." He pouted, and gave her puppy-dog eyes.

"Well, I wouldn't be mad if you asked me out on a date or anything." She shrugged her shoulders. "Oh really? Well then Y/N L/N will you go to Hogsmeade with me next weekend?"

"Hmm let me think about it..." She stroked her chin, to which James only rolled his eyes. "Sure... I guess. Only if you get me a couple of chocolate frogs."

"That can surely be arranged Miss L/N." "Oh, don't call me that."

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