Escape From Skull Island

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Mason Weaver's POV:

During the battle between Kong and the big Skull-Crawler, Kong shoves the Skull-Crawler into the rock side I was standing on and I fall into the water from the impact. Everything goes dark and I feel as if I am weightless for a few seconds until I feel a weight being lifted off of me and I can sorta feel the heat of the sun again. After a few seconds I hear a slightly raspy British voice say,

"Weaver. Weaver. Hey, hey, hey."

I open my eyes and look up to see my friend James Conrad staring hopefully at me, he tells me that Kong killed the big Skull-Crawler and we get on the ploat and are eventually rescued by helicopters from Monarch, the company that funded the expedition to Skull Island in the first place. As soon as we return to civilization and the mainland, we are taken to the Monarch HQ facility for questioning. We are kept "in the dark" for most of the interrogation until Conrad says,

"You just gonna sit there? In the dark? You're enjoying this, right? Is this fun for you? I promise I won't tell the Russians."

"I promise I will tell the Russians."

"She's gonna tell the Russians."

"Why are you keeping us here?"

"I want to go home."

"We get it. There was no island. We were never on any island."

After he says that, our friend Houston Brooks comes in and says,

"Island?, what island?"

"Brooks, what the hell is going on?"

"Welcome to MONARCH. This island is just the beginning."

His partner Ms. San enters and says,

"There's more out there."

"What do you mean more?"

"This world never belonged to us. It belonged to them. The question is, how long until they take it back? Kong is not the only king. Other islands have other kings like Godzilla, Rodan, Mothra, & Ghidorah."

After Brooks told us this, we got up from our chairs and left the interrogation room and exited the Monarch HQ building where we had been held for the last 10 minutes after we returned from Skull Island. As we exited the building, James taps me on the shoulder and says,

"Hey, Weaver, would you like to get a drink with me?"

"That sounds nice, yeah. Yeah, I would."

After I respond to James' question, we get in his Jaguar and drive to Juniper's Grill. A bar in London, England, which is where the HQ facility of Monarch is located. When we arrive, we get out and he opens and holds the door of the grill for me, like a true gentleman. We walk inside and get seats at the bar. After we sit down he orders a whiskey on the rocks and I order a Cherry Cola.

"Why did you order a soda and not something else?"

"Well, I should probably be the designated driver if you get overly tipsy."

"I guess that makes sense."

"Also, I swiped your keys to the Jaguar when you weren't looking."

"Oh, wow. You are sneaky, aren't you."

"I am."

After I finished my drink, I noticed he had consumed at least three and seemed pretty tipsy. I paid our tab and held him up as we left the bar. I get us both to the car and after getting him settled in the passenger seat of his jaguar I get in the driver's seat and drive to my studio apartment and walked with his arm slung over my arm and him completely passed out to the elevator that took me up to my studio apartment. I open the door and walk inside, turn the light on, remove his shoes, carefully remove his jacket, and tuck him in under a blanket on my couch. I go to my bedroom, close the door, change out of my clothes, wrap a towel around my chest and grab my turbie twist and make my way to the bathroom to take a shower. After my shower, I go back to my bedroom and change into a shirt and pajama bottoms and fall asleep in my cozy bed. In the morning, I feel a weight on my shoulders and hear a soft snoring nearby my ear. I open my eyes to see James asleep with his arm draped over mine and him snoring. I contemplate how he got into my bed and then realize I left my bedroom door open and he probably woke up in the middle of the night and went to find me and found me asleep so he decided to fall back asleep with me. I lift his arm off my shoulder and slide out of bed. I walk into my kitchen and make breakfast sandwiches and coffee for us. After a while I see him walk out of my bedroom and say,

"Good morning, Weaver or can I call you Mason now?"

"Mason is fine."

"What smells so good?"

"I am making egg and sausage breakfast sandwiches with cheddar cheese. Also I made us coffee, seeing as you are still hungover from last night."

"What happened last night exactly?"

"Well, you got overly tipsy at Juniper's and then I drove us home and you fell asleep on my couch. How exactly did you end up in my bed and not on the couch?"

"Well, like you guessed, I woke up in the middle of the night and went looking for you and then I found you in your room and decided to fall back asleep with you instead."

"Well, I appreciate it, it was a nice surprise."

"Your welcome. So are you done making breakfast?"

"Yes, it is ready."

I handed him a plate and a cup of coffee. Before I knew it he had eaten the breakfast sandwich and drank the coffee and I had just finished drinking my coffee when he says,

"So, to tell you the truth, when Kong rescued you on the island and I got you to wake up after he set you down, I was genuinely worried about you, because it seems as if I have developed feeling for a certain "anti-war" photographer that accompanied me on a trip to an uncharted island full of creatures that could probably eat us alive."

"And who would that be?"


"Ok, well what are you going to do about it?"

"Well, I was thinking that with your permission, I could maybe kiss you."

"That sounds perfect, because I seem to have developed feelings for a certain ex-british special forces pilot."

We stand up and we slowly close the distance between us. He cups my cheek with his hand and he presses his soft lips to mine. After a few seconds we separate to catch our breath and I say,

"Wow , who knew we both had the same feelings for each other."

"Yeah. The more you know, I guess. Come to think of it, I have tickets to see A Touch Of Class tomorrow at 8:00pm at the Prince Charles Cinema. Would you like to see it with me as a date?"

"Yeah. That sounds nice. Thank you for inviting me."

"Ok, I'll pick you up at 7:30pm. Dress casual."

"I will."

After that he put his shoes on and left to go home and shower. I watched him drive away through my window that faced the street. After 3 years of dating later, he finally popped the question and we got married.

"James Andrew Conrad, do you take Mason Anne Weaver to be your lawfully wedded wife, in sickness and in health, till death do you part?'

"I do."

"And Mason Anne Weaver, do you take James Andrew Conrad to be your lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and in health, till death do you part?"

"I do."

"Now, without further ado, I pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride."

He leaned down and kissed me with as much love and passion as he had that morning in my apartment. After we broke apart, we walked down the aisle to the resounding applause and cheers from our remaining friends that we'd meet while on the expedition to Skull Island and our families and friends who came to celebrate this day with us. We got into his Jaguar and headed off the Heathrow airport to go to our honeymoon in Hawaii. After 5 years of marriage our family  grew, because I became pregnant with our twin daughters Lydia Jean and Haley Anne. 2 years later, our family grew for the last time, because we welcomed our twin daughters Stephanie Grace and Stella Luna into our family. We now live in Westchester with our kids and our two dogs Marcus & Bailey and live happily ever after.

Escape From Skull Island: A Conreaver StoryWhere stories live. Discover now