Chapter 1: What's in my hair?!

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(A/N) Hello-hello, readers! Welcome to Chapter 1! Enjoy!

Sabrina's POV

BUUUURP  blared my alarm, filling the air with the sound of a certain fairy boy belching. I groaned. Puck had been changing my alarm every night for weeks to various bodily sounds. I change it back every time, but he somehow changes it  back. Clearly, he doesn't have a life outside of pranking me, if he does it every night. 

Then I suddenly remembered. Crap. It's the first day of  school. I scrambled into the bathroom. After taking a shower, brushing my teeth, and combing through my hair, I dashed into my room and put on a blue shirt and a pair of black leggings. 

Downstairs, I found Daphne and Puck, already stuffing their faces. Red was taking delecate bites, quiet.

"Hey Grimm," Puck mumbled once he noticed me. "Did you like your wake-up call?"

I glared at him and sat down. Before me was a plate of blue waffles and clear syrup. I took a tenative bite. It tasted like pineapples and coconut. 

"Hi lieblings," Granny said, striding in as I finished eating. "Do you want me to drive you?"

"No offense, Granny," Daphne mumbled through her second helping of waffles, "but considering how that went last time, I would rather have Mr. Canis drive us.

Granny tried looking hurt, but even she was smiling.

After we ate, I grabbed my backpack and got into the car.

--Magical Time Skip to in Front of School--

After what seemed like very long car ride, with Puck making faces to himself in the window, Daphne and Red belting Disney songs, and me sandwiched right in between, we finally pulled up to the new Ferryport Landing Middle School. The building had charming brick walls and cute little trees surrounding it.

"Bye!" I called as Daphne hopped out of the car. Daphne looked as back as Red hopped out and gave me a brief wave, before they to join their friends near one of the stone benches.

After an even longer ride, we made it to Ferryport landing High School. 

"Have a good day," said Mr. Canis from behind the wheel. 

"I sure hope it will be," I grumbled, stepping out of the car. 

The highschool was almost an exact opposite from the middle school. It was tall, with white walls they somehow managed to keep clean and long narrow windows. 

I looked around for a second before seeing my friend, Bella. Yes, she did try to kill me that one time, but we had worked things out and were now inseperable. 

"SABRINA!" she squealed when she saw me, giving me a hug. "I missed you!"

"I missed you too! How was Egypt?"

"It was so much fun! We saw pyramids and deserts and even a camel! Though living without wifi for a month and a half was hard."

We talked until the bell rang. 

"Well, we should get to the councilor before first period," I said. I turned around and was about to go to the metal doors that lead into the school, when Bella said, "Umm, Sabrina."

"Yeah?" I ask, turning around to look at her.

"You have gum in your hair."

Instantly, my hand goes to my head. Sure enough, there's a large wad of gum tangled in my hair. I spin around, looking for who might have done it. My eyes land on Puck and his group of friends. They're all laughing as if it's the funniest thing since cat memes. 

I can feel reddness creeping up my face. Part of me wants to go over there and slap the grin off of his face. But I needed to get to class, and mom and dad would not  be happy if I got detention on the first day. So I marched into the school, trying my best to block out the snickers from the other kids as I walked by. With Bella close behind, I walk into the slowly filling halls to the councilor to get my locker number and my scedule. 

This is gonna be a long year.

Done! Thank's for reading! See you next time!

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