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I make my way to the gym and set my bag down next to a bench. I've already registered as manager so I'm all set. "Y/n!" I feel myself get picked up and twirled. "Tooru! Hi!" I giggle. "I missed you so much! I tried to visit you during class but a teacher stopped me. I tried to explain I was just making sure that nasty boys weren't hitting on my beautiful innocent sister but they just wouldnt listen!" He puts me down. "Dont worry, I actually made a friend! Hes really nice too." I say. "He!? Y/n!watch out for those idiot boys!" He whined."Dont worry!I have you to protect me!" I butter him up so he'll drop it. He smiles. "Oikawa, who's that?" I see Iwaizumi walk over. "Iwa-chan!" I smile. His face goes red "Y/n, Oikawa didnt say you were coming to school."he said. "I wanted it to be a surprise!" Tooru said. I laugh "I'm the volleyball manager, so I'll get to see you everyday." I sit on the bench. He smiles and nods. I watch as boys make their way out of the changing room. I covered my eyes, since some were still partially undressed, putting on shirts and shorts as they walked out. "YOU HOOLIGANS! COVER YOURSELF IN THE PRESENCE OF MY SISTER!" I hear Tooru scold them. I hear "Sorry"s and "Who?" As they get in line. I sit up so he can introduce me. "This is my sister, Y/n. Shes our new manager. Behave." He glared. I wave "Hello! Please take care of me!" I bow. They now back and then get to work. I hear the door open. "Kyotani?" I say as I see him walk in. "You know this delinquent!?" Tooru exclaims. I nod and smile, running towards him. I hug him and he tenses up. I back away "Are you apart of the team?" I ask, hoping he was. He nods. "I'm the new manager!"I say happily. He looks little surprised but then grunts. Oikawa starts the warm up and I go sit down at the bench, watching them. I couldn't help but blush at the way their muscles flexed when they stretched. Kyotani glanced at me as he lifts his arms up to stretch, and his shirt went up a little too. I see a bit of his abs and quickly turn away. Boke Y/n boke! I'm such a pervert. I hear him chuckle a little bit and continue.

They start practice and I take out my phone to play on games. I look up every now and then to keep up with the game. The boys waved at me when we made eye contact and would catch my attention when they made spikes. Especially Tooru. He would make awesome spikes or serves and ask if I saw them. I would clap a bit and give him a thumbs up. The it was Kyotanis turn to serve. I was actually at the edge of my seat, wide eyed. He glances at me, a smirk on his face, and jumps up, back bent , and sent the ball on the other side of the court. Without thinking, I'm standing up. "W-whoa! Oh my god!" I blurt out. Everyone looks at me. Kyotani looks at me with a satisfied look on his face. I smile wide "KYOTANI! THAT WAS AWESOME!" I yell. I run and hold up my hands. He smiles and gently high fives my hands. Tooru pouts "Y/nnnnnn! What about your brother?" He wraps his arms around me. I giggle and pat his head, running hands through his hair. "Good job Tooru." I say. Kyotani looks at me expectantly. He glances at the way I'm patting Tooru. I laugh at his childish way of asking for head pats. I reach out and pat his head. He leans into my touch. I blush when I notice everyone standing, expecting pats. "Um, what?" I ask. "Y/n! I want pats too!" Everyone says, trying to get my attention. Kyotani hugs my waist "GRRRRRR!" he growls at them. They back off and whine as they get back to practice. I pat his head "K-kyotani... you should get back to practice."I say, embarrassed. He lets me go and pats my head. He grunts and jogs off.

After practice I praise everyone and hug them goodbye. Kyotani squeezes me into the hug and I squeak. I hear him laugh a bit and then he walks home. Tooru and I walk home together, him telling me about his day and how he got confessed to and his teachers. I listen to him, giggling and nodding my head.

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