"So there are other factions?" Jane asked.

Carlos nodded. "There were the four main gangs or crews, depending on what they preferred to be called. The pirates, the Casters, the Angels, and us. The Angels were led by Fred Frollo, though unless someone's shown him his precious hellfire he's probably still leading them with his sister along side him. Jay doesn't care for him."

"....someone reproduced with Frollo? Twice?" Jane asked. "Zephyr's probably not going to like that."

"Claudine's alright," Carlos said. "She mainly hung out in the bell tower of Dragon Hall, the school Evie, Jay, Mal and I went to. Most if not all of the pirates went to Serpent Prep so we rarely dealt with them unless they found their way into our territory."

Jane nodded. "Who else was in the Angels?"

"I don't know how Mal knew this but she said that they were mainly Warf Rats who deflected," Carlos said. "She never went 'easy' on anyone in another gang who found their way into our territory but she seemed to be almost...disappointed in the underling Angels when we faced off."

"So that's the Angels. What about the Casters?"

"You've got Yzla, daughter of Yzma and the head of the Casters. Her brother Zevon's her right hand man and he's another one Jay despises. Then you've got Mad Maddy, the granddaughter of Mad Madam Mim and Quinn, the daughter of the Queen of Hearts."

"I'm sorry, I'm still trying to figure out how Yzma reproduced let alone twice. Kuzco once said that she was proof dinosaurs once roamed the earth," Jane said, shaking her head. "Not to mention she got turned into a cat."

"Jay's dad got turned into a genie and sealed in a magic lamp. Maleficent got turned into a sword shish-kabob, Evie's mom got thrown off a cliff, Scar got eaten by hyenas. My point is clearly the Isle reversed all that," Carlos said with a small chuckle.

"Why do you call Maleficent by her name?" Jane asked. "You addressed Jafar and the Evil Queen by their relation to Jay and Evie."

"Because now, having seen Lady Persephone with Mal at Cotillion, it's clear that Maleficent had never been Mal's mom," Carlos said softly. "You grow up like we did, you can tell what makes a 'good' parent...even if they're evil."

He sighed and shook his head. "But anyway, those were the main gangs. Then you've got gangs that sort of branched off from the main four. Like Harriet Hook's crew, with Sammy Smee and Jade, Jay's cousin. I've got a cousin who pals around with the Badun Cousins—Jace and Harry. Er...Harold."


"Harry Hook goes by 'Harry'," Carlos said simply. "Since he's Uma's first mate and Uma's gang is one of the big four, he gets preference."

"So the hierarchy's a big thing over on the Isle?"

Carlos nodded. "I was under Jay and Mal's protection before I officially came into the crew. Once I did though, it was like night and day. Being under a gang's protection, especially one of the Big Four, was big because if too many kids got put under protection the gang might have gotten the rep of being 'soft'."

"But you said that there were kids who weren't in gangs," Jane said softly.

"Yeah, there are," Carlos nodded once more. "Mal could tell you more about what happens to those kids, being on the bottom of the pecking order of the Isle so to speak. She could go through Maleficent's territory without being harassed or jumped so she could see more of the Isle. Though I suspect that was mainly out of fear of Maleficent rather than respect for Mal."

"Honestly, either one works if it meant Mal was safe walking around alone," Jane said. "Carlos, no one...no girls ever..."

"Not that I was ever aware of," Carlos said, catching on to what Jane was trying to ask. "I won't lie and say it didn't happen because the Isle is different than Auradon, Jane. There's no dodging that. But like I said, Mal ran the kids on Maleficent's side of the Isle. If anything like that happened, Jay would have pounded the guy into a pulp and Evie would have gotten the girl anything she needed."

Jane couldn't help but give him a sad smile at that. She knew now, after two viewings, how lucky she had been to be born in Auradon. Even if her life hadn't been the easiest school wise, with being the headmistress' daughter, Jane felt guilty for ever complaining about her life after hearing what Carlos and the others went through.

"It's going to be a requirement, by the way," Carlos said. "Of the safe house. I know we don't have any way to tell if something like that had happened before but I can prevent it from happening again."

"I know," Jane said softly. "Ben'll work to help with that. Whatever you need Carlos—and I'll do what I can too. It might not be much but I've got some old clothes that I was saving to donate. Now that Ben's fixed the delivery issues , we'll probably start having donation drives again."

"Evie's been saving some of her old clothes," Carlos told her. "One of the biggest things about coming to Auradon, we've all gained weight from when we first came here. It's a weird feeling to be sure."

Jane smiled slightly at that. Sure you could tell that Carlos had definitely gained weight since he had arrived in Auradon but it was all muscle. Same with Jay. Sure they were still lean but they looked...healthier for lack of a better term. They weren't fighting over every last piece of food at dinner time, nor were they racing through their meals as if pacing themselves would mean someone might take their food.

She had noticed that had been the case with the Tremaine kids, well Ava more than Anthony even if the older girl tried to hide it. She also seemed to eat less. If a younger kid went to a station at the same time as Ava, she seemed to back away until the kid had filled their plate.

Now that they were aware of everything, it wouldn't be as much of a shock when the next group came. Hopefully it wouldn't be too much of an adjustment period, since the food issue had been solved.

But even if there was an adjustment period, Jane would be more than happy to help if it was needed. Even though Ben had graduated already, and all the other seniors were to graduate later in the year, she would still be there since she was a year younger than the others. Just like Carlos.

They would be able to help the new batches of VKs acclimate to Auradon.

"So...do you want to head back?" Carlos asked after a few minutes of them sitting in silence. "Not that I'm complaining but I did sort of drop in on you and I'm sure you've got homework."

Jane shrugged. "It'll keep for another day," she told him. "I'm enjoying spending time with you."

Carlos grinned. "Yeah, I'm enjoying spending time with my girlfriend...err only if you're okay being called that of course. If you think we're moving too fast, I'm perfectly—"

"Carlos, it's fine," Jane said and gave him a small peck on the cheek. "I am perfectly okay being called your girlfriend. As long as you're okay being called my boyfriend?"

Carlos gave her a small smile. "I wouldn't have said it if I wasn't."

"Well then there's nothing to worry about," Jane said. "I know relationships weren't done on the Isle and everything, but we're not on the Isle.

"Thank Gods for that," Carlos grinned. "The only reason I'd want to go back to the Isle would be to set up the safe house and get kids who want to leave off the Isle."

Jane gave him a kind smile before slipping her hand into his, lacing their fingers together. The two of them slowly made their way back to the dorms, happy to spend the time walking in silence. Just the two of them, enjoying each other's company.

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