"Anyway Carlos, the idea sounds great," Ben said as he leaned back in his chair and made a note in his planner so that he could remember to bring it up at the next council meeting. Something that proved to be harder than he thought with the canine in his lap. "Like I said, I'll get the ball rolling on my end in terms of getting funds allocated to it so things like bedding and the works can be provided."

"Thanks Ben," Carlos said. "I...I don't have anything else so I'll let you get back to work. I didn't mean to just barge in here—"

"Carlos, you didn't barge in," Ben told him, letting Dude hop back down off his lap. "You let Dean know you were here and made sure I wasn't on a call or something. Trust me, if you want lessons on how to barge into my office talk to Akiho or Mal. I'm sure they'll gladly teach you if you want."

Carlos chuckled. "I know they probably would. Jay and Emir would too if I asked 'em. They'd probably throw in lessons on how to pick the lock to your office for that matter. Evie's probably the only one who wouldn't just going off of how she came into your office during the viewing."

"I told her she didn't have to knock," Ben shrugged.

"It's Evie, she's going to knock regardless," Carlos told him. "Though knocking when Dean can tell us when we can and can't go in seems pretty silly now that I think about it."

"Dean might have been on lunch at that point in the viewing," Ben said. "He works too hard, I have to twist his arm to get him to take lunch breaks and even then he takes them at his desk."

Carlos gave him a blank look, one that seemed to say 'did you really just say that?'.

"What's that look for?" Ben asked in confusion.

"Mal told us about how she and Evie had to come to your office with a picnic basket packed with sandwiches Akiho had made after the first viewing because of how long you had worked. I don't think you're the best person to say when someone works too hard Ben—and if someone is working to the extent that you're concerned about them, maybe offer them a vacation or something."

"That...might be a good idea," Ben nodded. "I can't remember the last time Dean's taken a day off."

"My point exactly," Carlos nodded and then seemingly changed the subject. "I'll meet up with Mal so we can get started on getting the safe house set up. It might just be temporary bedding for now but from what Mal told me, your council's a lot faster at getting stuff for the Isle now."

"Especially since we got Aurora and Anita on board," Ben nodded. "Anita especially, she has a way of getting everyone back on topic if we devolve into an argument."

"Well when you have to keep ninety nine Dalmatian pups in order, thirteen other people is probably a breeze by comparison," Carlos told him and Ben chuckled.

"Hey Carlos, is...is there anyone you want to come from the Isle?" Ben asked. "I know we're going to start sending out applications soon for kids to fill out so we can start bringing more kids but I wanted to ask in case we came across their name."

Carlos paused for a moment. "I...I wouldn't be mad if my cousin got a chance to come to Auradon," he said.

"Who's your cousin?"

"Diego. Diego DeVil," Carlos said. "But I know the girls want Dizzy to come since she got that invitation at the end of the viewing. Plus other kids might need it more than Diego. If that's the case, there'll probably be other groups he can come in."

Ben nodded. "I'm working with my council now to set up a special day each month where kids can fill out applications and you four can make the choice. We'll keep the groups small at first—starting with four kids. Maybe once certain people get used to the idea we can start having larger groups."

"By certain people you mean the former Queen Leah?" Carlos asked.

"Maybe," Ben shrugged. He hated the fact that Leah still had so much sway over his decisions but the last thing he wanted was to subject kids to her ire. He hadn't heard anything from Leah since she was removed from his council. If it was anyone else, this would be cause for celebration but Ben had known Leah since he was three. There was another shoe about to drop with her, he had a feeling.

"Ben, to quote me from when I first learned to talk, you just gotta man up," Dude said, pulling Ben back out of his thoughts.

Carlos chuckled at the dismayed look on Ben's face. "Yeah, that was pretty much the look on my face when Dude told me that too," he said. "Then again, you know that was the look on my face because of the viewing."

"I have to say, I never thought I'd be told to 'man up' by a dog," Ben said.

"You never thought you'd be dating a girl from the Isle either," Carlos pointed out. "Or that the Blue Fairy would come and give us all those viewings."

"Both are excellent points."

"Dude's right though," Carlos said after a minute. "Leah has no more power—she's not queen, she's not on your council. By all rights, she's lucky she's not dragon chow after you told us about how she was responsible for the state of the Isle's food. Why allow her any more power than what she deserves?"

"Habit I guess," Ben said. "But you're right. The group after this first one for VK day, we'll make bigger. Say six kids?"

"That sounds good," Carlos nodded. "Would they need to fill out the applications again or would we just pick from the previous stack?"

"I'd say fill out the applications again. If we just selected from the previously filled out applications, then kids who didn't fill out applications the last time may not get a chance to go if they changed their minds."

"That makes sense. You know there are going to be some kids who won't want to go right? Some of the Warf Rats for instance, they might see leaving as betraying Hook and Uma. At least according to Jay. He always seems to know their mindset, him and Mal both do. Evie and I never really understand it but it helped us keep our territory back on the Isle."

Ben nodded. "I figured some kids might not want to come to Auradon, and I'm not going to force anyone to come who doesn't want to. It should be their choice."

"Well hopefully kids do apply," Carlos said. "It's a good idea Ben and there are a lot of kids out there who deserve it."

"Thanks Carlos," Ben said with a small smile. "Let's get your safe house up and running first. I'm still working with Mal on the specifics for VK day so it might be a few weeks before we officially get that up and running."

"Sounds good," Carlos said and stood up. "I'll let you get back to work Ben. Sorry again—"

"You apologize again and I'll get a squirt bottle and start squirting you with it," Ben said flatly, causing Carlos to chuckle. "You didn't disturb me, if I'd been busy Dean would have told you."

"Okay, okay," Carlos said. "Down boy."

Ben rolled his eyes. "Go find Jane or something. I'm sure she'd love to spend time with you."

"Only if you do the same with Mal," Carlos teased before scooping Dude up and made his way out of the office. Ben shook his head before pausing. Carlos did have a point.

"Hey Dean, I don't have any meetings today do I?" Ben asked, poking his head out of his office.

"No sire....do you want one?"

"Nope," Ben said. "If anyone asks for me, tell 'em I'm with Mal."

"Yes sire," Dean nodded and Ben made his way down the hall to find his girlfriend. He could do paperwork later.

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