After the rant though, he helped them pick what streaming service they wanted to use. And by pick, he just gave them his password stating that it didn't make sense for either Doug or Evie to pay for the service when he was already using it. The only stipulation was that they had to set up their own 'screen' as to prevent Carlos' recommendations from getting skewed.

"The one where Mr. Darcy jumps into a lake or the one where Mr. Darcy walks through a field at sunrise?"

"Field at sunrise. If it was the lake, it'd take us five movie nights to get through. Not that I would complain about that at all."

Doug chuckled. "You just like it because of all the old timey fashions don't you?"

"I will admit that the outfits are beautiful. I'd love to try my hand at making one at some point," Evie nodded with a small smile. "Now hush, it's starting!"

"As you wish," Doug nodded, scooting down as to be as close to Evie as he could. Evie smiled and rested her head on his shoulder.

"You've been reading The Princess' Bride haven't you?"

"Ben let me borrow it. He blew through it in two days, never put it down. I think he might have actually showered with it, that's how glued to it he was. I wanted to see what it was about."

"Did you like it?"

"Yeah, it was good. Lot of action and adventure yet some romance," Doug told her. "I heard they made a movie out of it."

"Well maybe that can be what we watch next week," Evie said as she turned her attention back to the movie. She sighed contently as they watched, and Evie couldn't help but imagine herself in that world.

Granted I'd probably go spare if I had to go without my hairdryer for more than a day, she thought. How did they get their hair looking so beautiful without things like hairdryers or straighteners? And the dresses! Gods, without a powered sewing machine, it'd take days if not weeks to finish a dress!

Evie chuckled as the sound of soft snores could be heard from Doug about forty five minutes into the movie, his head gently resting on her's. She couldn't even be mad; Doug was in all advance placement classes and had been studying non stop this past week.

He clearly needed the sleep and they had already seen Pride and Prejudice numerous times since they started their movie nights. It was why it had become the kind of movie they could go to when they just wanted to turn their brains off so to speak. They'd seen it so many times they could just sink in and enjoy, not needing to pay attention to the plot they knew so well.

Sure, Evie wasn't going to lie. She had been a little jealous when Mal had told her about her first date with Ben, and that sliver of jealousy had returned when she saw the Enchanted Lake in the first viewing. Compared to her then study dates with Doug, Mal's dates with Ben seemed more...magical.

But now? After seeing two viewings and spending time with Doug? Evie wouldn't trade her 'simple' dates for the world. With all the stress they were dealing with, who needs a complicated date to plan?

Besides, as Mal had told her one night as they were getting ready for bed, lately everyone's date nights had evolved into nights in. Be they Jane and Carlos on their study dates or Jay and Lonnie spending hours in the gym practicing their sword work whenever she came back from college for the weekend.

Oh Jay would swear up and down that they weren't date, but Evie could see the smile on his face as he walked into his dorm. It was the same smile that Mal often had during her dates with Ben or the one Carlos would sometimes wear on his dates with Jane.

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