Besides, Ben had been texting her ever five minutes; letting her know his status and ending his text with some fun little quip. As if he was trying to show her that he wasn't under a hypnosis spell.

Texts can be faked.

Mal sighed. Sometimes, she really hated the fact that she couldn't just enjoy the moment the way others could. Blame the fact that she was 'raised' by Maleficent.

"Miss Mal?" Lumiere's voice came from the other side of the door.

"Yes Lumiere?"

"I was just coming to check if you needed any refreshment while you waited. It looks to be about ten more minutes before we begin."

Mal smiled slightly before shaking her head. "No thank you Lumiere," she said after a minute as she realized that Lumiere couldn't see the head shake.

"Well, if you do need something, just say the word and I or Mr. Potts will make sure you get it."

"Mr. Potts?" Mal asked, a little confused.

"Oh my," Lumiere sighed as if disappointed in himself. "Mr. Potts had asked me not to say anything as a surprise for King Benjamin."

Mal's smile grew at that. It was nice to know that Ben was going to get a surprise tonight too. "The secret's safe with me Lumiere," she promised. "But who is Mr. Potts? I've never heard of him."

"Chip Potts, the son of Mrs. Potts," Lumiere explained. "He and King Ben grew up together."

"Ah. Why is he surprising Ben?"

Lumiere chuckled. "That would be spoiling more of the surprise for King Ben than I'd like, Miss. Mal. Rest assured that I feel King Ben will quite enjoy the surprise."

"Very well," Mal said with a small smile gracing her lips. It would be interesting to meet this Chip dude. At the very least, it would be a way to differentiate the Cotillion from the viewing to her Cotillion.

Well, that and the dress being different and Uma not escaping the Isle and—

Gods, did her thoughts ever shut up? Mal couldn't help but wish she'd brought her sketch book. At least that way, she wouldn't be sitting here alone with her thoughts imagining the worst case scenarios.

A ping from her phone broke through her thoughts and Mal looked at it only to chuckle. Ben had sent her a selfie of him getting ready, the crown tilted toward the right side of his face. Another text bubble appeared right below it: Getting ready right now. Should be there in ten minutes. The prep is certainly ridiculous but I can't wait to see you.

Ben, you certainly know how to make me smile, Mal thought with an inward giggle as she pocketed her phone. Yes, pocketed. Evie, in all her design wisdom, had given her dress pockets.

This was probably the best thing ever created—with the exception of strawberries.

"Miss Mal?" Lumiere's voice came from the other side of the door. "I just wanted to let you know that it's time."

"Thank you Lumiere," Mal called to him and she took a steady breath as she heard Lumiere announce her to all of Cotillion.

"The future Lady Mal!"

The two attendants stationed by the room Mal was in opened the doors and Mal made her way to the center of the stairs. The spotlight shone on her and Mal couldn't help but smile slightly as she saw her friends front and center.

"Work it girl," Lumiere leaned over and whispered, causing Mal to giggle as she remembered Emir, Akiho and Evan's reaction to Lumiere saying that exact line in the viewing. Making her way down the stairs, Mal smiled as Beast made his way down the stairs to meet her; just as he'd done dozens of times at rehearsals.

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