"I heard that Morgan Stark and Cassie Lang almost went to the media when the council went after their dads," Emir told them. "Though I certainly wouldn't want to go against the Hulk, which is what Morgan and Cassie probably threatened the council with. Plus Captain America, Bucky Barnes, Falcon, Black Widow, Scarlet Witch, Hawkeye, and Thor."

"Isn't Loki on the Isle?" Conner asked.

"No, I think he avoided the Isle after he tried to kill Thanos," Akiho said. "The Daily Planet gave a pretty throughout report about all that."

"I still don't know why you get another kingdom's newspaper," Conner shook his head.

"Nathaniel Barton got me hooked on their sports coverage," Akiho shrugged. "How is it weird that I get their newspaper and not the fact that the kids go to school with us?"

Ben frowned and looked away for a split second, causing the banter to stop as Emir, Akiho and Conner noticed Ben's distraction. His friends followed his gaze as it landed on a portrait of his parents on their wedding day, and Akiho rested a hand on Ben's shoulder as if he knew what the future king was thinking about.

"Hey, I doubt you'll have to worry about that with your dad," he said. "After all, King Beast will be the former king of Auradon. There's no way the council will want the bad press of throwing the former king on the Isle."

"Not to mention that's a huge safety concern," Conner added causing Emir to whack him over the head. "What?"

"Dude, tact!"

"What do you mean?" Conner asked and Emir just shook his head.

Ben sighed and looked back at his friends. "I'll have to add this to my list of things to do once I'm king. This is not acceptable—especially if they're going after people again once they've stepped down from the throne."

"We don't know who's behind it though," Akiho pointed out as a frown formed on his face. "Aunt Elsa's letter was just signed 'the Council'."

"Dad's too," Emir nodded. "Mom saved it just in case someone came in the middle of the night and we woke up to Dad gone."

"Paranoid much?" Conner chuckled.

"You really don't know the meaning of tact do you?" Akiho sighed. Before Conner could respond, an interruption appeared by the name of Jane appeared, looking more than slightly frazzled.

"Ben, there you are!" Fairy Godmother's daughter smiled in relief, which seemed to diminish her frazzled appearance. "Your mother's been looking for you. We're due for the cathedral in an hour and she wants to make sure everything's perfect before we leave."

Ben chuckled and shook his head. "Thanks Jane. Do you know where my mom is?"

"Last I saw her, she was on her way to her chambers though she could also be in her library," Jane told him. "She was talking with my mom, who seemed very excited. Then again, my mom's always excited."

"Very true," Ben chuckled and then looked over at his friends. "Sorry guys, but I'd better see what my mom wants."

"Go on," Akiho told him. "We'll see you at the coronation."

"Is he going to sing?" Jane asked Emir, who shrugged.

Akiho sighed. "Guys, I'm not going to run around the school singing like my mom did for Aunt Elsa's coronation day. Sides, Ben already asked me that."

"You know, I never got an answer about that," Ben called out as he turned the corner. Akiho shook his head as Conner and Emir burst out in laughter while Jane hid her giggles behind her hand.

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