"Well, I was wondering," Anita continued as Belle didn't respond to the previous statement. "I was wondering where the Isle children would be staying over the summer."

"Oh!" Belle exclaimed, the smile back on her face as she realized that this would not be an awkward conversation at all. "You know what, I don't exactly know. Ben was the one who thought it up, I only learned about it when he told his father and me about his proclamation. Why don't I call him over?"

Anita nodded and waited for the prince to walk over, Rodger having made his way over to her side.

"Yes mom?" Ben asked, nodding in greeting to Anita and Rodger.

"Ben, dear, where will the children of the Isle go during the summer holidays?" Belle asked. Ben furrowed his brow in thought.

"I had assumed back to the Isle," Ben told his mother. "We all go home for the summer holidays and they consider the Isle their home."

"But if someone from Auradon wanted to sponsor a child from the Isle, could they?" Anita asked and Ben smiled at the thought of at least some of the citizens of Auradon getting used to and growing to like the children of the Isle.

"It would be up to the child in question," Ben told her. "I'm not going to rip children from their parents if they want to return."

Anita nodded, understanding that some parents on the Isle might want to see their children again. "But if the child agrees?"

"We can set something up," Ben nodded. "Anita, if it's any help, Carlos would probably jump at the chance to stay with you guys."

Anita flushed. "How—"

"Lucky guess," Ben told her with a smile before giving a slight bow and walked back to Mal and the others. Anita turned to Belle, who gave her another smile.

"At some point, you will have to talk to Carlos," Belle told them, a serious tone slipping into her voice despite the smile that still graced her features. "I won't sanction a sponsorship without the child's permission—even if Carlos' legal guardian is abhorrent. But of course I would never say that."

"Cruella has probably poisoned him against us," Rodger said with a frown. "Would he want to speak to us?"

"You'll never know unless you ask," Belle told them with a kind smile. Unbeknownst to them, Carlos had noticed the conversation.

"Hey Mal? What do you think the Radcliffes are talking about with Queen Belle?" Carlos asked, leaning over to Mal to avoid anyone else overhearing. Mal looked over and frowned slightly at the sight. They all knew that they would have the heroes that faced off against their parents in the room with them, but to see two of them talking to Queen Belle raised alarm bells in Mal's head.

"Probably just asking for help at caring for their abundance of Dalmatians," Mal told him, trying to keep a calm tone as to not worry the younger boy, and couldn't help but smile at the lack of fear in Carlos' eyes at the mention of dogs. "You know, they probably could use a pair of big, strong hands to help them out over the summer."

They all knew that Carlos would not survive going back to the Isle after the taste of freedom from his mother and none of them knew what the plans would be for summer. Even though Mal would hate to split up the gang, it would be the best thing for Carlos to stay in Auradon.

"Then why don't they ask Jay?" Carlos asked and Mal chuckled. The chuckle froze when she saw Hercules walk past. Mal hadn't even realized the Demi-god was in the room with them, despite having heard Meg's comments once or twice.

"Mal?" Carlos asked, slightly confused at his best friend's change in mood but Mal had quickly gotten up and dragged Evie over to a corner.

"What is wrong with you?" Evie groaned, rubbing the spot on her arm that Mal had grabbed.

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