chapter two

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Levi's pov

School's out, me and my friends are going to hang at Sam's place.
When we arrived Jaden said it would be fun if we would play truth or dare like we did in middle school. We all agreed because we were bored and didn't have anything better to do anyway. We kinda played it and everyone kept on picking truth which was boring.
When it was my turn i chose to pick dare to spice things up a little.
It was Sam's turn to pick a dare for me, he didn't really seem to know one, but then Ian had an idea.
"You know that one girl whose always being a bitch to you?"
"Yea that Ava girl right?" said Jaden. What about her? I asked, already getting annoyed just by hearing her name. What if you ask her out, just to fuck with her brain, she's sad anyway, probably never even dated anyone before. Sure, fine, if it'll make her feel shitty i'll do it, why not.

the next day

Why am i nervous? It's not a big deal and it's gonna be so great to see the look on her face. Lets just get it over with, where even is she? Never mind, i'll just do it in class then.
Just before class started i saw her sitting in front of me. I would recognise that ponytail anywhere. I pulled it once and whispered : hey, tweety, she turned around.
I got nervous again, why was i nervous? Just get it over with or your friends will think you're a pussy. "U wanna go out with me?" I asked.
She turned around so that she was fully facing me. "What did you just say?" she asked in an angry tone. I wasn't expecting this, why isn't she happy?
I leaned on my table so our faces were close and i repeated : " i said : do you wanna go out with me?"  She smiled, but not a nice kind of smile, it was an angry smile. I didn't know people could even smile angrily.
"I heard you the first time dumbass"
So? i said, i just asked you out on a date are you just not gonna say anything?
"Do you really think i'm buying this? Mister popular guy, mister : "i get everything i want cause i'm hot" guy, do you think i'm falling for this?
I know you're just using me for my homework, i'm not your little pet you know?
Do you think i'm gonna fall at your feet and giggle at your jokes?
I looked at her and suddenly i couldn't talk anymore. I couldn't find the words to say.
This has never happened to me before. I have never been rejected, i know i didn't officially want to ask her out but still...
I opened my mouth to say something but closed it again. Then i looked her in the eye and asked her : "did you really think i was being serious? "i would never date a filthy skank like you"
She looked at me with disgust, i hate how much her words meanth to me.
But why would i care, this was a prank anyway, and it succeeded. She believed it.

lol bye this is so bad

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2020 ⏰

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