nightmares (komahina)

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(this is slight angst so be warned!)
caretaker: nagito


hajime woke up very late,he had a night mare and was hyperventilating

nagito heard his baby's cries and woke up

"haji,baby, what's wrong?"

"dada! dada!"
hajime jumped into nagitos arms,crying

"did you have a nightmare bubs?"

hajime nodded,sucking his thumb

"aww,it's okay" nagito said as he played with hajimes hair

hajime hiccuped a few times,
then nagito noticed that he had his thumb in his mouth

"hey,hey,hey, don't have your hands in your mouth," nagito said as he gently took hajimes thumb out of his mouth

"where's your paci?"

hajime shrugged, a little annoyed at nagito

nagito turned the lamp on and searched the bed

"aha! i found it!"
nagito said as he picked up the little's pacifier and gave it to him

hajime took the paci and put it in his mouth,but something was still off

"do you want to tell me what the dream was?"

hajime looked at nagito,and nodded

"remember when i did the kamukura project?"

nagito nodded,rubbing the others back gently

"when i woke up in the middle of the surgery it was really sore.."

"is that what you had a dream about?"

hajime nodded,and started tearing up again

"i love you so much hajime,i'm here to protect you"
he said,and kissed his forehead

"do you need anything else bubs?"

hajime looked down and blushed a little


"i can get you a bottle,do you want one?"

"..oh okay dada!"

nagito got out of bed
"do you want to come with me?"

hajime made grabby hands up at nagito

nagito chuckled and picked him up

hajime nuzzled his head into nagitos neck

nagito made the bottle with one hand,since hajime was in the other

hajime was getting restless and nagito didn't know why

he was squirming and whining

"hajime,try to settle down,i'm going to spill your bottle!"

hajime stopped squirming,but whined and whined

nagito sat hajime on the counter

"hajime,i asked nicely,and you didn't stop,so you have to sit here,okay?"

hajime huffed,and then started to sob softly

nagito finished preparing the bottle and picked up hajime

"here's your bottle!"
hajime gladly took the bottle

"let's get you back to bed"

nagito said as he brought hajime back to their room and sat him on the bed

hajime sat on the bed drinking his bottle

when he finished he bottle he muttered something to himself

" hot"

"you alright haji?"

"too hot"

"do you want me to change your clothes?"

"uh huh"

nagito goes the the drawer and grabs his tshirt to put on hajime

hajime lies down on the bed in a starfish position waiting for nagito

"hajime,can you sit up for me?"

he does a big yawn and then stretches,and sits up

"arms up bubs"

he puts the tshirt on

"do you want me to get you shorts to put over the diaper or are you okay?"

"i want shorts please" hajime replied

nagito got a pair of shorts and walked back over to hajime

he took off his pajama pants and said "oh,hajime your diaper is soaked why didn't you tell me....actually now that i think about it,you were squirming"nagito pauses for a second "finish what you need to do and then i'll change you,okay?"

hajime blushes a little bit

"oh,do you want me to go away while you finish?"

"uh huh"

nagito got up and left
and hajime finished doing his buisness

hajime called nagito back in

nagito saw hajimes diaper had expanded a little,indication he did more than number 1

"lie down please haji"

hajime lied down and his face went a little red while nagito changed him

"aww baby,did your tummy hurt? you look like you've been holding in a lot"

hajime blushed a little bit

"you can always go,haji,we all go"

nagito claps his hands

"now! let's get to bed!"

hajime gave nagito a hug

nagito picked him up and put him on his side of the bed

and they both went to sleep



i think i'm going to make a kiibouma littlespace book!

would you guys read that?

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