Richelle fake gagged. As she looked up, she saw Amy, Piper and Henry - thankfully, because she couldn't handle third wheeling much longer.

"Hey guys!!" She exclaimed cheerfully, running towards them.

She and Amy hugged with wide smiles on their faces, and only let go for Richelle to greet Piper and fist bump Henry - whom she loved to call her 'bro'.

Both Henry and Richelle had started calling each other 'bro' from the moment Richelle noticed how many times Henry said that same word (which were many), specially when talking to Noah or Kingston. Therefore, it became their inside joke when Richelle started mocking him with it - and it stuck.

Truthfully, Richelle had changed a lot throughout the years - she had become more friendly and sociable. She got along with most people in A-Troupe because the studio was just like a second home to her, and she always felt as if she were a part of a family when amongst them - which was a non-existant feeling at her own home.

The friend group chatted for a few minutes, mostly about dance.

As she heard her friends chatting, Richelle felt a pair of eyes laying on her. Her first action was to turn her head, only to encounter Lola.

Something about Lola's eyes being on Richelle felt good. It was a weirdly good feeling, a feeling she hadn't decoded yet. A rush of electricity ran through her body in direction to her chest, sending her joy and a sense of magnetism that attracted her to Lola.

Richelle's reaction was to smile and wink, to which Lola smirked slightly.

"Anyways, let's go?"


It was half past three in the afternoon, and most dancers were still arriving to the studio from school.

Music was heard in Studio 1, where Summer, one of the B-Troupers, danced to a solo.

Being a former A-Troupe member, Summer was used to a strict schedule, trying always to be on time for rehearsals. She was always the first to get there - unlike Ozzy and Izzy who were late most of the time. Therefore, being the first B-Trouper to get there, she decided to use the spare time to rehearse and work on her dancing.

But just like Summer was punctual, so was Richelle - yet this time Richelle had a main purpose to be first other than extra-rehearsing, which was to confront Summer about how she made Lola feel the previous day.

Richelle watched Summer dance, waiting for her to finish to go and talk to her.

Summer soon finished her solo breathless, placing her hands on each of her hips trying to catch her breath.

Richelle sarcastically clapped her hands, showing no friendly expression on her face as she placed herself in front of Summer.

The brunette looked up at her, waiting for her to speak up and explain what she had to say.

"Not bad, I must confess"

Summer frowned in confusion "Thanks?"

"But anyways, that's not the reason I'm here. I want you to leave Lola alone." She demanded in Summer's face, both of them really close. Richelle had a death glare in her eyes, which secretly intimidated Summer. She tried not to show it, regardless.


"Everyone knows you didn't make A-Troupe because Lola was a much better dancer than you." She explained.

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