Night terrors (Fluff)

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Dream clutched the brown scarf tightly as the blood that once belonged to his lover dripped down his arm. "I-Ink..." he muttered as heavy sobs racked his body, "N-no, I-Ink please... Y-you can't l-leave me..." Large golden tears flooded down his face, his wings wrapped themselves around his shaking body, providing warmth in the storm. He had blocked out all other sounds as he hugged the scarf close to his chest. "Why did you do that..." he muttered"I would've b-been f-fine..."

Dream woke with a start, frantically searching the room for a sign of danger. He could feel something wet traveling down his face, his hand reached up hesitantly, he was crying. He noticed that his Ink wasn't with him, as he realised this his breaths became quick and unsteady. He threw of the covers and ran out of the room and down the halls towards Inks room, he was not sleeping until he was sure Ink was okay.

He knocked once, then twice, then so on and so on, he was getting ready to kick the fucking door down. He knew how reckless Ink could be, and if there was even a small chance that they had gotten hurt or killed, then Dream needed to know. After what felt like an eternity, his Love had finally opened the door. "What the hell do you- Oh! B-boss, what are you doing up so late?" Ink asked becoming overly aware at their lack of clothing. Dream on the other hand didn't seam to notice Inks missing shirt and shorts, only that they were here, and that they were alive.

Dream wrapped his arms around Inks small body, nuzzling his head into the crook of their neck, muttering something that the other couldn't hear. "B-boss? A-are you crying?" Ink asked slightly concerned, "it's nothing, i'm fine..." Dream said moving away from the hug. He wiped away a few lose tears before glancing at Inks body. He face suddenly flushed a bright gold, and even though  he has seen Ink naked many times before, he refused to even look at their bare chest without consent.

Ink, who had had the same rainbow hue dusted across their face since they had worked out they were wearing nothing but their boxers, suddenly flushed a darker shade of rainbow as they watched Dream advert his eyes. "W-would you like to come in?" Ink asked awkwardly, wanting to move away from the open doorway. "S-sure..." Dream said quietly, still trying to avoid looking at Ink.

"Sooo... What brings you to my room?" Ink asked curiously, whatever it was, it must have been bad, cause Dream wasn't the one to cry... Unless off course he was listening to violin music. "Just.... Wanted to make sure you were okay...." He mumbled, before he caught himself staring at Inks bare ribs. He suddenly felt two arms snake themselves around his neck, "You had another one off your little 'Night terrors' didn't you?" Ink asked concerned, this was the fourth time this month he had come to them in tears.

All Dream could do was nod as he felt himself breakdown. "P-please d-don't leave m-me..." he cried clutching onto Ink tightly as the other whispered comforting words into his non existent ear.

Ink brought Dream over to their bed. Thee two laid down as Dream continued to cry. Ink stroked his skull gently as Dream curled into a ball, trying his hardest to fit within Inks arms. "I-I'm s-sorry..." He muttered slightly ashamed of himself, "You have nothing to apologize for..." Ink muttered, half asleep. Dream buried himself into his lovers chest, finding comfort in the slow beat of his artificial soul.

"I love you..."

Sorry this is so short, and yes I have decided to make this into a oneshot book! Yay!

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