Chapter 1: Seeing a Movie

Start from the beginning

It looked no different from an ordinary movie ticket.

Su Min could see the poster for "University Thriller" at the end of the hall. The background showed a school with several starring actors trying to escape from the inside. On the top was the movie's name, its font dripping with blood.

En... It should be a bad movie.

Not only was it bad, it was also a horror featuring ghosts. No wonder everybody chose to watch it the normal way instead.

The cashier reminded him, "To experience the horror movie, you must first sign an agreement."

She handed him the form.

Su Min read it. It stated that one: people with heart disease were not permitted to enter the movie, and two: if the audience member was truly afraid and couldn't take it anymore, they could notify the cinema and be pulled out.

That was reasonable enough.

Real information was required when buying tickets. The cinema used that information to scan the database for a suitable role.

It was also possible to add to the script. If a person had a specific request in mind, they could pay extra to customize the role for, say, someone more wealthy and well-off.

If not, they would begin as an ordinary cannon fodder. The main reason why nobody wanted to experience a horror movie was because its cannon fodders usually only survive for a mere three minutes.

Su Min signed his name and handed the form back to the cashier. He followed a staff member to the designated theater and, to his surprise, found that he was the only one there.

"Am I really the only one?" he asked.

"Yes, you are, sir," the staff replied.

Su Min let out a sigh in his heart. It wasn't often that he could have a whole theater to himself.

"Mr. Su, if you are afraid, you can press this button, and we will immediately come to get you out. Right now, you are the first person to experience a horror movie."

Su Min nodded, "Okay, I know."

The staff looked at his unperturbed appearance and was a little amazed. "After you enter, the cinema will give you the script, and the information for your role will appear in your mind. If you complete the script, you can come out in advance and see if the storyline was changed. If it did, you can then act accordingly to the situation."

He looked at the boy in front of him, wondering why such a good looking student would choose a horror movie of all things. Indeed, you couldn't judge a person by their appearance.

I hope this horror movie will not scare him too much.

The information the staff gave was released on Weibo1.

Su Min knew that if he successfully altered the bad ending, the rerelease of the movie would be shown, and he would become one of the actors.

The staff slightly smiled. "I wish you a pleasant experience."

After he left, Su Min put on the headset. In front of him was a big screen showcasing the words "University Thriller".

The details regarding this movie had also appeared before on Weibo.

In order to preserve the mysterious vibe, the director had kept his lips sealed about the movie's content. All that was known was that after the university experienced a supernatural phenomenon, the protagonist and secondary protagonist got dragged along for the ride.

Of course, that was something anyone with an average IQ could guess.

The director was actually someone very famous in the industry, but he was only well-known for his literary films. He could've continued being overpraised in the circle but instead, he chose to change paths and shoot horror movies. One by one, they were stomped on in the streets2.

To Be a Heartthrob in a Horror Movie  Where stories live. Discover now