FAMILY. prompt one.

54 11 17

just an entry for a starwars contest.

this is where the cringe begins

. ˚◞♡ ⃗ Kanan sat on the ground with his legs crossed, meditating. A few of sad sighs released from his mouth. It was a beautiful sunset before him, but he wishes he could see it. A piece of cloth wrapped around his face and covered his eyes. His hair swung side to side slowly as the wind pushed over.

Hera slowly walked out of the ghost, its exit ramp lowered and she slowly stepped down it. From the hard, metal grounding to the soft, lush greens. Her lekku moved in the slightest to the wind. She made her way to Kanan. She placed a hand on his shoulder and a smile partially painted Kanan's face.

Hera unattached her hand from his shoulder and instead slowly sat on the ground. Her head made his way to his shoulder. "It's a beautiful sunset." Hera decided to say, breaking the ever so deathly silence. "I wish I could see it," He began. "I wish I could see you." Hera's old smile faded, just as Kanan's.

Hera wrapped her arms around him with a hug. Hera had been working on problems with the Ghost all day. She was beyond tired. Hera let go and replaced her head to his shoulder. If she was there long enough, it would be only a matter of time that she fell asleep.

A little bit later, the Ghost's ramp lowered again-- meaning someone, or something, was entering or exiting. Sabine peeked over at the two. Sabine turned to the insides of the Ghost, waving a hand around and pointing outside. Zeb and Ezra approached and looked at the couple.

Hera had peacefully fallen asleep. It was dark by now and the moon was approaching the stars. The pitch black sky was invaded by small white stars. Kanan could sense the fact that Hera had fallen asleep, thus carefully picking her up. Zeb, Ezra and Sabine noticed he was approaching the Ghost again.

They all rushed inside, Kanan already knew they were there. He chuckled. He re-entered the Ghost, the ramp would go back in its place instead of the ground. Carefully, he laid Hera down in a bed. Hera had been working for the entire day just to get the Ghost moving again. No doubt that tomorrow, it will be the same.

Kanan quietly gathered the entire Grost crew-- except Hera. They all gave ideas on how to help Hera, instead of her doing all of the work herself. They shared many ideas. One in specific, they all agreed on. It got darker and darker, and later and later. They all decided to go to sleep for the night.


The Ghost was not working at all. Not only that, but a piece had broken off. Hera was still sound asleep. Kanan woke up before any of them. He got up and quietly stepped around, waking up Sabine, Zeb and Ezra. As soon as Kanan explained what needed to be fixed, they all got to work.

Sabine knew what she was doing when it came to the broken piece. On the other hand, Zeb and Ezra fought over the mechanical pieces that need to be fixed. Kanan couldn't do much. The ramp of the Ghost lowered as Kanan stepped down onto the grass. Outside of the Ghost, Sabine was fixing the side of it.

"It was a rough landing," Sabine said under her breath to herself. After a long time, it was fixed. But of course, she wanted to add something extra.


Ezra and Zeb had already finished their silly arguing, and finished their parts of the job. Hera already woke up, but Kanan had a conversation with her, for stalling, and the fact that he had something he needed to talk to her about.

Ezra approached the door and Hera's eyes switched to him. "Kanan, it's done-" He said. A confused look painted Hera's face, but she shrugged it off. "Okay. Great." Ezra left and Hera switched her eyes to Kanan. "I should get to work. We need to get the Ghost moving again." Hera said, hopping up and leaving.

Sabine stopped her in her steps. "Hera, I have something to show you-- we have something to show you." Ezra and Zeb slowly stepped towards Sabine. Hera just nodded and followed along. First, they exited the Ghost, the ramp lowered and they made their way to the broken side of the ship.

They had told Hera to close her eyes, as if it were a surprise. "Open your eyes." Sabine said. Once Hera opened her eyes, the entire broken part of the ship was fixed. It wasn't a major problem, but a small piece chipped off would probably annoy Hera.

It wasn't only fixed, but Sabine had added a few touches. She painted the Ghost crew in many colors. "We all managed to fix the ship for you. It took a very, very very long time though." Ezra said, scratching the back of his head.

Hera hugged Sabine, purposely starting a group hug.

And maybe, even then, with Hera's family, things will get better.


this was cringy, probably. i was tired and stressed out so mb. it probably moved quickly and has bad writing.

anyways. that's the chapter.

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