"The bottom line is i dont understand" Derieri said

"Indeed, i must admit, finding a castle where there was nothing for 3000 years is quite strange, but how did it get into such a retched state" monspeet added 

"It seems to has an explosion of magical power radiating from its centre, what an intense one at that" 

"Hmm, Deep similar.. 30,000 feet residual magic"

"Aha, i see"

"Brother, i think we both know for sure who did this"i added while looking at zeldris

"Yes, Meliodas is responsible, Damn him what could he have possibly been doing out here" 

"Now come on Let it go Zeldris, Lets try to relax and enjoy our selves, we haven't been here in years" melascula said, i think to try piss him off

"Estarossa, what do you think! ...... Brother!"

He opend his eyes and just stared at us, i saw what he was doing and went up to 

him, and kicked him in the stomach, he got up immediately, and grabbed his stomach in pain

{Time skip brought to you by Zeldris being a grumpy Gremlin}

"Two of my Albion's have been destroyed" i stated calmly

"Who cares about them anyway, their just toys, Y/N re-incarnated to do our bidding for the time being, to me and Y/N, they are just play toys" i nodded

Galand started laughing "how amusing!" 

"What is it that you find so funny?" Melascula asked

"Who'd ever imagine, that even now, there are people who are willing to stand up against the demon race!" He got up "right, lets go" 

"Your not considering, heading out there with your powers still depleted re you?" 

"Why not? It'll be perfect warm up exercise, or do you actually think they'll defeat me"

Zeldris got up, and teleported in-front of galand "now wait a minute, did you forget it was this arrogance that lead to us being sealed up in the first place?" 

"Well, memory loss is common in an old man can be kind of severe" 

"So, which direction are you gonna take"

"Hmm, let me see"

Zeldris crossed his arms and sighed 

"I noticed something north west of here, for a minute there was power levels doubling the albion's and the one south of us was strange, because that albion seemed to self destruct, as if somehow its own power slammed back into its-self" 

"Hmm, hey thanks alot" he patted gloxinia on the head

"Im rea-" 

"Ill be coming with you to make sure you dont do anything stupid" i commented teleporting beside Zeldris 

"Well lets get going shall we?" He shot in the air i just sighed, and unleashed my wings and followed him 

"Hey galand your slacking" i said flying down next to him "you took 72 steps instead of 70"  

"Yes, yes i know," "Its been a while meliodas! Just as i suspected, it is you, isn't it?" He laughed "to think after all the time thats passed you'd still be in that form!" He started walking towards them, as did i

"B-but how..how can any evil monster like these two even exist in the world" 

"I'd watch what you say girly, or you might just trigger my commandment! Let me introduce my self, I'm Y/N the inly daughter of the demon king, The commandment of Judgement" i bowed then went back up again 

"M-merlin" a pig said "i think my magical eye must be broken"

"Why's that?" 

"Its just that this cant be right, a power level of 26,000 and 3-345,000!" The pig mummers 

Galand walked closer "a power level of 26,000 AND 345,000!?" Someone yelled "I-i cant stop shaking!"

"Your lucky sir, my commandment would have killed all of you by now, if it wasn't de-activated" i said calmly

"We must evacuate the town's people!" One yelled

"A demon sealed away for 3000 years.... Galand of the ten commandments" i slipped into the shadows quickly 

"His power level may be more than we anticipated, but something about this seems odd, hey hawk, whats his magical power?" A lady asked 

"Hm? I dont know, lets see....Looks like..0!?! Whats going on here! Is this magical eye thing busted or what!" 

"I see.... Must be the lingering effects of the goddess race's seal"

"Alright, that means, this is our only chance to attack! W-wait! W-where'd that girl go!?" 

"Behind us!"Meliodas yelled

"Try above you" i flew down and landed a shot killed 5 knights, i flew up and went back to Galand's  side "do not do ANYTHING reckless, and i mean that" 

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