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Luck. As a child, everyone has been admiring you. Your mom and dad would always say how much luck you bought ever since you were born, that's the main reason why they gave everything you want and when you say everything, you mean it.

You didn't grew up spoiled though, as a kid, you enjoyed going to charities with your mom and you learned how important money was for everyone and that you shouldn't spend it on things you don't necessarily need. Your mother thought you all the values that you have today and you're very thankful for that.

"Y/n, get ready, Yuta said he's on his way." Anna knocked, your maid.

Every Wednesday, Yuta picks you up and Donghyuck takes you home. Though the boys are busy with their own sports and study group, they will make sure that someone will bring you home. This is the reason why your parents don't worry a lot, they know that you have a lot of guys that can protect you.

"Tell him to wait for five minutes, I forgot to print my homework!" you shouted in hurry, almost missing the right buttons, you hurriedly printed the papers you have to pass today.

You first met Taeyong when you were younger, he used to be the grumpy kid that doesn't like talking to anyone and when you forced him to play with you, he became softer and calmer whenever you talk to him. Then you met Johnny, the transfer kid in the kindergarten, he followed you around after you protected him because he was being bullied for not being able to speak Korean well. Later on, you made friends with Donghyuck with his best friends Mark and Jungwoo. Then you met your mother's best friend's son Yuta and his best friend Jaehyun. Apparently, you were the reason why they are all friends now. They said they were lucky that they met you because without you, they wouldn't meet.

Luck. You believed that you are lucky too, that night when you saved Taeil from his abusive dad and him, now leaving peacefully with his mom now.

"Hey, we're going to be late. Your first subject teacher is strict, you'll be scolded again." Yuta said, knocking on your door. You chuckled as you grabbed your things and opened the door, there you saw, Yuta with his usual messy school uniform and his soccer ball.

"How do you know that it's Ms. Nam's my class today?" you asked curiously while watching him grab your things from your arm.

"Duh, I drive you to school every Wednesday, do you think I wouldn't know?" he playfully rolled his eyes, messing your hair playfully.

"Hey! I spent a lot of time fixing this!" you whined while trying to fix your now messy hair.

"You still look good though, let's go!" grabbing you from your wrist after winking at you, you shook your head as you followed him from behind.

"Did you went home last night?" you asked as you entered his car.

Yuta's relationship with his parents are not good at the moment. They want him to go and study abroad while he wants to stay here. His mother called you last night, asking you to convince him to go home because his dad is getting mad.

He stayed silent so you knew the answer already, "Yuta..." you trailed.

"Go with me." he silently replied and you gave him a pat on a shoulder, nodding eagerly.

"Sure, let's bring the boys so if you get kicked out, you'll have a lot houses to choose from" you giggled and he laughed with you.

You sighed. You just wish your luck is with you today, Yuta has been feeling down lately and you wanted to help him a bit by joking around.

"By the way, what's your plan for your nineteenth birthday? I heard it's going to be grand?" he asked while turning his car.

You weren't able to celebrate your 18th birthday with a grand party and your mom was very upset about it. As much as you wanted it to be intimate, she convinced you to do a grand one on your nineteenth, after a long ass conversation, you just agreed to stop her from nagging.

"Yeah, I just hope my mom won't overdo it." you sighed, unbuckling your seatbelt, getting ready to go out.

"You're rich as hell, you deserve a grand party." he smirked, getting out of the car to open the door for you.

"Still, it's not a practical way of spending money, Yuta." you sighed while looking at him.

He ruffled your hair, "Our baby is growing up so fast, I'm proud." he giggled as he watched your annoyed face.

"What's the commotion here?" Doyoung suddenly appeared. He's also one of your close friends, you met him along with Taeyong, they were best friends. It is amazing how an out going person like Doyoung is friends with Taeyong but it isn't much different with your relationship with him.

"He's messing my hair up again." you pouted, facing Doyoung with a puppy eyes.

"Yuta stop doing that!" Doyoung scolded him while slowly fixing your hair.

"Hey hey, y/n your breakfast." Mark called out, handling you a coffee and your favorite bread.

"Thanks Mark!" you replied, hugging his arms a little.

"Hey, I'm the one who bought the bread!" Donghyuck suddenly said while hugging your arms playfully.

"Alright alright let's get going, it's getting crowded here." you laughed, pulling the whiney Donghyuck with you.

You heard the people talking about how lucky you are to be close with the most popular guys at school.

Well, you think they're right.

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