Ch. 1; The Year 845

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Shiganshina, home to the poorer of the walls, where Aila Brandt was born and raised for thirteen years of her life. Aila was a young girl who was raised by her father, Anton Brandt, and her mother, Isla Brandt. Aila spent most of her days alone, she found it hard to make friends as she was made fun of for being small most of the time. But she found comfort in art, drawing to be specific. She loved to draw what was around her, she would often write down what happened that day in her journal as well and place her drawing on that page entry.

Today, Aila went down to the grassy, shady field of grass to draw and relax. She had been there for most of her day, but it was getting dark out, so she decided to head home. On her way home, she passed through the town, where she saw three familiar faces sitting near the boat port skipping rocks and talking, they were the well known kids of the area, due to their popularity with causing trouble so often. Their names were Eren Jäeger, Armin Arlert, and Mikasa Ackerman, these three were thick as thieves, they always had each other's backs. Although she knew who they were, Aila never really talked to them because of their constant running from or towards trouble, but when she did get the chance, Mikasa and Armin were always the nicest to her.

As she turned to head towards them, BANG! A loud crash filled the town, shaking everything, including the ground. When Aila managed to stand up again, she noticed the three run towards where the rest of the citizens were standing and staring at. She ran after them to see the commotion, but when she turned to look where all eyes were glued to, she saw what she never dreamed would be possible... a titan taller than the walls! Frozen in fear, she watched as the giant poked its head over the wall, glaring down at them. Then, suddenly, BOOM! Wind and dirt began flying, Aila couldn't see what had happened, but she felt a force shoot her back and crash into a wall. When she opened her eyes, she saw what humanity had feared, the wall had been breached!

As she stood up, holding her stomach in ache, she heard someone scream, "THEY'RE IN! THE TITAN'S ARE IN!", she shot her head over towards the hole to see the giant creatures begin to flood her hometown. As she turned around to run towards the inner wall, she saw it. The carnage, bodies crushed by rubble, she nearly fell to her knees, feeling the sudden urge to vomit. But she held it in and stood up straight once more, as she began running towards the wall, it hit her, her parents. She began running towards her house, seeing the carnage the colossal titan had done to her home, tears were leaking her eyes as she ran. As she turned the corner, she gasped in horror, "MOOOOOM! DAAAAAD!", her house had been half crushed by a boulder. Once she got towards the crushed part, she saw her mother attempting to lift the boulder to free her father from the rubble. But it was no use, it wasn't budging.

Her father wasn't moving, or talking... or breathing. She collapsed to her knees and screamed out, her mother noticing her, ran over to Aila and told her that they couldn't save him, they had to run. Aila, knowing the truth, stood back up, and grabbed hold of her mother's hand. They began to run, Aila looked back once more to see her destroyed house and her father's body lay there, "Goodbye.. father...", she thought to herself.

They made it, they made it through the inner wall. Her mother stopped once they got in and fell to her knees, she began to vomit and sob. Aila, not knowing what to do, fell beside her mother holding her. Then a soldier came up to them, "Hey! Are you alright? Can you stand?" "Yes, I'm just pregnant", her mother answered. The soldier helped her mother up, and began to run with them. CRASH! BOOM! They turned to see a rock flying towards their way, the soldier picked Aila up and threw her away, the fall causing her to blackout. When she woke, she looked over to see her mother's hand reaching out from under the boulder, as blood was splattered under the rock. Then she looked to her left, and saw it. The armored Titan. She began running towards the boats when another soldier who was flying came in and scooped her up. "Hey! Sweetie, are you alright? Are you injured?", Aila looked up to see a woman in the Garrison holding her as they flew.

"N-no..", Aila answered weakly. The soldier landed and set her down, she bent down and looked her in the eyes and told her, "Ok, listen sweetie, you see that boat behind you? There's a man by the name Hannes, he's a soldier like me. Find him and tell him that you had just got here ok?". Aila nodded in understanding, before the soldier could get away, Aila shouted, "Wait! Your name! What.. what's your name?" "Kina, Kina Flores, now go!", Kina yelled pointing towards the boat as she flew away. Aila quickly ran towards the boat and ran up to a soldier, tugging on his jacket. "Mister, are you Hannes?", she asked teary eyed. He looked down and told her, "No I'm not but he is" as he pointed to his left to a blonde man with a scruffy mustache. Aila ran over to him and told him everything Kina told her to tell him. Hannes closed his eyes and sighed in sorrow, "I see... I'm sorry kid, for everything. You see those three over there?", he pointed towards the boat, she couldn't believe it, it was Eren, Armin, and Mikasa! "I-I know them!", she shouted happily. Hannes couldn't help but smirk slightly. "Go to them and tell them that mister Hannes sent you ok?", Aila nodded and thanked him. She then ran onto the boat and towards the three children.

Although initially happy to see them, Aila sat down next to them without saying a word, she was too shocked and heartbroken to be happy to see them. She curled up her knees and put her head in them, "I'LL KILL THEM ALL!", she heard someone say. She lifted her head to turned to her right to see Eren looking off the edge of the boat as it moved towards wall rose. He was angry, very angry. He had tears streaming down his face as he gripped the boats' edge while clenching his teeth. "I'LL KILL THEM ALL! EVERY LAST ONE! I'LL WIPE OUT ALL THE TITANS!", Aila stared at him wide eyed, tears began to fill her eyes as she listened to him. She looked down at her hands and clenched them into fists. "Yes...", she thought to herself, "I'll kill him! I will kill the armored titan!", the tables were now set, Aila's new goal and revenge plan, was to kill the armored titan.

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