"where did you go? What happened? When did you left just now? With whom did you go out with? You made me think negative thoughts when I don't see your curious face Like you usually do everytime I went home. I thought you'll be sitting again infront of the front door waiting for me but I was worried to death when you were nowhere to be seen just now " I complained at her and pushed her away from me along with a glare.

"Come on, I was working just now at a restaurant and I went there alone. I got accepted from my interview and I was supposed to have a fresh start tomorrow after school like you usually do but I started today because they needed some help in the kitchen. And look... i made money too " she gave me a toothy smile and showed me 25 dollars on her hand that she took out from her pocket.

"it's good to hear that. I thought you left me because I'm not a good person that treats his own matchmaker good and buy her things or what, I'm really really sorry but I'm doing my best since the day you stepped your foot in my place to provide you a warm shelter and have good clothes and what. I was going to take you clothes shopping this weekend "I told her and still have the fear of her leaving me for real as she awed while muttering a 'How sweet ' at me out of the blues.

"Y-yah... I'm taking you clothes shopping because you always wear my clothes all the time and I need to wash many of it so I can wear it the next day too" I scoffed and pushed her forehead with my index finger a bit as she gave me that irritated face at me.

"Whatever "

"Go change and eat the food I brought. Don't lose your money and place it somewhere safe okay? Go sleep earlier than me, I'll shower and change in the bath room so don't wait for me " I instructed and she nodded while looking at the floor.

"Arraseo appa. Jeesh, he sounds like a dad more than a boyfriend to me. Wonder if his soulmate would even stand with him on their first time "she teased me as I yelled at her but she was too quick to escape like a mouse so I just shook my head at her.

"Annoying but cute "I scoffed before taking my towel and clothes to bring to the bath room.

-R A Y E O N-

I finished off my food and left some for Beomgyu before I went to the bath room to brush my teeth before going to bed. Beomgyu went out from the bath room few minutes ago and was currently in his bedroom probably getting his school bag and uniform for tomorrow.

He went out from his bedroom right when I was just about to enter and we made a short eye contact for a mere second.

I closed the door behind me and plopped my body down on the bed while my hand lazily dragged a pillow towards my body so I can hug it.

I turned my body to face the window that has its curtain closed. I then used my feet to push the curtains a bit away so I can see the moonlight that shines brightly tonight and light up the dim room a bit. I hugged the pillow more and dug my fingernails in it before I let out a low sob.

"Appa... "I whispered lowly and wet the pillow with my tears when I suddenly was reminded of my love one who I am really closed with in my past life. He's not really my real father but he's actually my grandfather but I called him appa since young because he's always there for me and raised me up when my parents don't. I wonder how's he doing now and if he knows that his grand daughter was dead but reborn as a matchmaker.

I continuously called his name softly and stared back at the moon shining brightly as the stars on the night sky. I always have this habit of biting my hand if I want to scream when crying and I did it now.

I kept on thinking, what is he doing now? I want to show him I finally worked and earned money by my own instead of receiving money and property from my parents. I want to show him I'm independent now and grew up well.

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