The downstairs powder room was always taken, so he opted for the one upstairs where all of the bedrooms were. When he pushed open the door, he was greeted by quite the debacle. His blood ran cold and every bit of alochol that worked to keep him at a happy buzz had left his system. The girl from his math class was there, and she was perched on the lip of the bathtub with her arms crossed. She was there, in his bathroom, but she was not alone.

"C'mon, sexy," the inebriated, smelly man beside her pleaded, "Just come back to my room for a bit. Promise I'll make you feel good."

"I don't want toooooo," she slurred her words and pouted as if she were a temperamental toddler.

Had Harry not immediately recognized what was going on, he would have thought it was quite adorable.

"Yes, you do, baby. C'mon, it's just right around the corner," Harry's fellow fraternity brother nagged.

He tried to pull her up by her limp arm, but she was dead weight against the porcelain tub, clearly too drunk to be going back to anyone's bedroom with anyone and certainly not with a man Harry knew for a fact that she had never seen before in her life. The sight of what was going on made Harry sick to his stomach and the hairs on his neck stand up. He knew he had to intervene before this man could take her any further.

"Hey, man," Harry commanded the attention of his disgusting, vile frat brother that he wanted nothing more than to punch square in between his eyes, "Ye' ex was lookin' for ye' in the backyard. Seemed pretty pissed."

Harry didn't even know who his ex was, nor did he know whether or not she was even at the party, but he prayed that his lie was enough to make him leave before Harry had to handle him more aggressively.

"Fuck," the man hissed to himself before making a beeline out of the cramped bathroom and towards the stairs as if he wasn't just attempting to drag an almost lifeless girl back to his room.

"Hey," Harry's tone was much softer when he bent down to her level and spoke to the girl from his math class, "You alright?"

"No," she grumbled, "I really want some chips."

This made Harry scoff and the tiniest of smiles creep onto his lips. At least she was so far gone that the events that unfolded in the bathroom just now had failed to resonate with her.

"Waaaaait a minute," she paused, "I know you. You're Henry," she jabbed her finger against Harry's chest.

"I know you, too, Y/N," Harry played along, ignoring the fact that he called her Henry as he inspected her body for her purse, which was, thankfully, still wrapped around her torso.

He dug around the small, black bag for her cell phone, which he, unfortunately, found out had no battery left.

"Do ye' know where your friend is?" he enunciated slowly and assertively to her a bit like one would if they were talking to a baby.

The girl with smudged mascara under her eyes shrugged her shoulders and sighed.

"I saw her taking shots with some guy named Michael...or was it Matthew... and then I think she went off with some guy from her econ class. Or maybe it was the girl from her Women's Studies class. I don't really know," the girl whined as if thinking too hard about where her friend had gone was giving her a headache.

"Was someone supposed to come get ye'?" Harry pressed her further.

"She was supposed to drive!" Y/N exclaimed, realizing now the predicament she was in.

Harry couldn't believe how shitty of a friend this girl had. Not only had she disregarded her role as the designated driver, but she'd left her completely alone and drunk off her ass to fend for herself. The thought of what would have happened to her had Harry not miraculously stumbled into the bathroom made his skin crawl.

Uncertainty {frat boy!Harry Styles}Where stories live. Discover now