The Truth

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POV- Miwa
I was crying. He really is alive. I walked up to him and gave him a huge hug making sure not to hurt him. We played games for a while and caught up but then I had to ask the big question.

"Kageyama, where were mum and dad and why did you do it? I know it may be hard to say but I'm here and I love you." Kageyama looked up at me and smiled.


POV- Kageyama
I hate when people say 'I love you' to much. They just don't understand the weight, the importance that phrase holds. But when Miwa says it, it really feels true.

"Mum and Dad left me. They give me money to pay for stuff but I'm alone. I felt pretty neglected. Like no one loved me. I had a crush on this guy. Yea Ik big shocker I'm bisexual. I got close to him. He got rejected by someone then came to me. I let him use me to feel better but my feelings for him kept getting in the way. I ended the whole fuck buddies thing and worked on being enough for him. Now that I think about it... I went to far, I was a replica of the person he likes. I was going to re-confess when I found him cuddling the boy that rejected him. I felt neglected and horrible. I just couldn't take it anymore."

Miwa looked shocked. I started to cry. I couldn't hold it in anymore.

POV- Miwa
I can't believe that I left and all of this happened to my little bro while I was having the time of my life. I feel so guilty. I didn't even visit once.... if only I was there.

"Tobio, you are beautiful in every single way, if he doesn't love you for you then he doesn't deserve you. You are an amazing person and your passion for volleyball is amazing. You care so much about everyone. This boy doesn't deserve you and just know that you'll find someone." I said.

Tobio nodded his head and snuggled into me. I did have one last question though.

"Who was the boy though?" I asked

"His name is Tsukishima Kei."

I was shocked. The boy I exchanged numbers with. The boy who came to see Tobio every single day. The boy who slept next to Tobio and spoke to him. He's the one who caused Tobio's pain.

I didn't know what to do. Should I blame Tsukishima? But he was here with Tobio the whole time! I just took a deep breathe and lay down with Tobio in my arms.

I heard a knock on the door and saw Tsukishima. I snuck out of the room and looked at Tsukishima. His eyes were glued to Tobio.

I could tell that he loved my brother. I'll let them deal with his.

I patted his shoulder then walked out of the room leaving sleeping Tobio and Tsukishima together.

POV- Tsukishima
I'm finally here! I walk in and greet Miwa before walking in and snuggling with Kageyama.

After 30 minutes I started to feel some movement. I woke up and Kageyama was staring at me.


When Did This All Start?- Tsukikage/KagetsukiDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora