1 - the hollowing

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Tommy stared out across the lava. He'd been here before but now... he was stronger.

Clutching his trident 'the Minotaur' (formerly Dreamrider) in one hand and fidgeting with his new mask with the other, Tommy was beginning to grow restless.

Upon sensing this, Dream placed a firm hand on Tommy's shoulder.

"Relax Tommy, this is what you've been training for."

He was right. For the past few months, Tommy had been working hard to nail the mechanics of his new trident. He was desperate to show Dream how grateful he was for the gift, to prove himself as a valuable asset. After all, Dream had been his closest companion throughout his exile, he owed him not just his sanity but his very life.

The first month had been the hardest, but once Tommy had stopped trying to resist Dream's aid, he'd realised that his exile was actually the perfect opportunity to evolve. Isolated with only the strongest warrior in the SMP for company, it was no suprise that Tommy had become invested in his own self improvement.

And of course it didn't hurt that without any contact from his former best friend: the one who had elected to cast Tommy out of his home in the first place, as Dream had so often reminded him, it had become easier and easier for Tommy hate Tubbo. Memories of the good times were fleeting and fading; memories of Tubbo's betrayal and his disappointment and fury were seared forever into Tommy's mind.

When Dream had suggested during the third month that they fake Tommy's death, he'd jumped at the chance. Now he was truly free of his old life.

No attachments, no strings.

Now, a year had passed and Dream had requested Tommy's assistance in ensuring that his meeting with the president of L'Manberg would go smoothly.

"But what about your men? George? Sapnap?"

"Forget them." Dream had replied calmly, "I'm asking you, Tommy. If you think you're ready..."

Tommy was ready. And he was ready to prove himself.

There was of course the small issue of how seeing a supposedly dead man at an important meeting would likely distract from the task at hand, but naturally Dream had already considered this.

"What's this?" Tommy had asked, as Dream handed him what looked like a hollow ceramic disc with a piece of material attached to it.

"Turn it over," Dream instructed.

Tommy carefully flipped the disc to reveal a simple smiley face painted on the front. No, not a simple smiley exactly, a better description would probably be an enraged grin.

"Is this your new mask, Dream?" Tommy had asked.

"Not mine. Yours."

Tommy hardly knew what to say. His face twisted into an excited expression, almost mirroring the furious smile on the mask, and he began fumbling with the strap. Tommy pulled the mask over his head, it fit comfortably. He rushed over to the calm waters that surrounded his makeshift territory, desperate to see his reflection.

He looked like Dream.

He loved it.

"This will conceal your appearance Tommy but it won't conceal your presence," Dream cautioned. "If you speak, make your words concise and sharp. Your hot head has betrayed you before, do not let it betray me today."

Tommy had learned to respect Dream after all this time. He was still capable of humor, but he now acknowledged that there was a time and a place for screwing around. In that sense, Tommy had grown up a lot over the past year.

"I will never betray you Dream."

"Good. Let's get going then."

The pair entered the nether portal and began crossing a narrow path which loomed some 40 blocks above a vast lava lake.

Tommy stood now as he had stood back when this was all new. He'd stared into the lava then. He'd contemplated going further. He was so close.

He was weak then. He was strong now.

After an unidentifiable amount of time had passed, from out of the official L'Manberg communal portal stepped a familiar stranger.

"Dream!" called out a barely recognisable voice.

The fox stepped forward and began beckoning at Dream and his strange new companion to come through the portal.

"They're waiting for you" he continued, "and who's this?" Fundy gestured at Tommy.

"You may address him as Theseus. He's with me."

"So be it. Welcome to L'Manberg, Theseus. Mind your step."

Tommyinnit: The Dark Tower (A Dream SMP AU)Where stories live. Discover now