Chapter 11: Unlike Any Other

Start from the beginning

"Please, just talk to me." I plead.

Fred looks me up and down,

"There's not much to say." He says, trying to turn around to walk away.

I grab his arm, walking around him so I'm standing in front of him once again.

"You clearly have some things you want to get off your chest, so just do it." I say.

"You really want me to say what's on my mind?" He asks annoyed.

I nod,
"I really do." I say.

"Why my brother?" He suddenly asks.
"Out of all the people you could've chosen at Hogwarts to go to the damn ball with, you choose my goddamn brother?"

I widen my eyes in shock.

"I-" I begin.

"I was gonna apologize to you. Bloody hell I was even gonna ask you to the ball myself if you would've forgiven me. But no, mr.perfect Georgie had to swoop in didn't he?" He rants.


"Fred, are you jealous?" I ask.

A few awkward seconds go by before he responds.

"What the hell do you think?" He spits.

"I don't understand. You had me. I really liked you! Why bring up Angelina at all? That's what ruined it."I ask.

He looks down the floor, and shoved his hands into his pant pockets.

"I don't know. I was- I was scared if people knew then it'd be weird. Ruin our group." He says.

I furrow my brow.

"Oh yea, the group where Ginny and Harry are dating, and Ron and Hermione really like each other?" I begin.
"Yea it'd definitely make it weird."

"Look, I didn't think of it that way. You know I don't tend to think things through very often Cal." He says.

I nod,
"True." I say.

Fred takes one step closer to me, his eyes resembling how the did once before.
Specifically the night before our fight.

"I love my brother. He's my best friend. But you-" he begins.
"I felt something with you that I've never felt with any other girl before. I was scared of it, so I tried to push it away."

My heart sinks into my chest.
I truly felt terrible for this entire situation.

"Now I get to watch you with my brother." He says.
"And it's entirely my fault....I let you go."

I glance up to him, his eyes locking with mine.

He takes another step toward me, but I quickly reflex, taking another one back.

"I'm really sorry Fred."
"I love you so much...just not in that way. I thought I might have, but these past few days have been really crazy and now-" I stop.

He looks down to me, his eyes wide and glistening in the hallway light.

"You have feelings for George." He adds.

I nod, choking back tears with a newly formed lump in my throat.

"I'm sorry-" I mutter.

He nods, taking a few steps away from me.

"I get it Cal. I really do, and I know you can't help how you feel." He says.


"I'll try to make it work. I love you guys... and I miss my brother." He mutters.

I nod, and he shakes his head, walking past me back into the common room.

I let a few minutes go by before reentering the room myself. Give them some time to talk.

When I walk in, I see Fred and George seated next to each other on the couch, playfully bickering loudly as they always do.

A smile spread across my lips.

I got my Freddie back.
And I still have my George too.

Authors Note:
I really hope you guys are enjoying the story!! Lmk what you think, I absolutely love your feedback!!!
Much Love❤️

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