Chapter 1156 - 1160

Start from the beginning

The mention of it made Wen Xinya feel miserable. “He can go ahead and punish me. Whatever! Well, he’s the commander and I’m the student. I don’t have a choice!”

Given Xu Zhenyu’s character, he would definitely punish her for provoking him. Just like Wen Xinya, Xu Zhenyu loved bearing grudges.

Ye Feiyu asked softly, “Xinya, did you actually offend Commander Xu or not? Otherwise, why is he so biased against you?”

Although his excuse seemed reasonable, they all felt that he had gone overboard. However, none of them could say anything.

Wen Xinya smiled wryly and said, “Beats me.”

Yeah, I’d like to know why too. Weren’t we just getting along fine? Why did everything change after I took a break? It feels like we’ll never be able to go back to the past where we bickered with each other merrily.

Wen Xinya felt rather sad.

Noticing the wry smile on Wen Xinya’s face, Ye Feiyu knew that she really did not know what was going on. “He didn’t treat you that way earlier on. That means that something must have happened recently. Try and recall carefully, did you miss out something?”

Wen Xinya found Ye Feiyu’s words to have made sense. After giving it some thought, she realized that Xu Zhenyu’s attitude changed after Si Yiyan visited her at the base camp.

Her friends knew about the relationship between her and Si Yiyan and, although she did not go out of her way to tell Xu Zhenyu about it, she did not hide it from him either. She reckoned that Xu Zhenyu must have already found out because of how big-mouthed Han Mofeng and Ling Qingxuan were.

Hence, she did not think too much about it.

Since Gu Junling and the rest are all so concerned about my relationship, Xu Zhenyu should be concerned too! However, he had never once mentioned about it during our phone calls, so that means that he didn’t know about it previously.

Xu Zhenyu must be upset after finding out about me and Si Yiyan.

After all, the rest of them already know about this. He must be angry because I didn’t tell him about it.

I kept thinking that Xu Zhenyu was angry because of the leave that I applied. Yet, it turns out… I didn’t even get the reason right. That’s why he got even angrier.

After thinking about how prideful and petty Xu Zhenyu was, Wen Xinya felt that it was very likely that he had gotten angry at her because of the fact that she hid her relationship from him.

Wen Xinya felt a sense of relief and said, “I think I’ve offended him before, but I’m not too sure about that.”

After hearing her words, Ye Feiyu began to grouse. “So it’s true… I felt that he was really handsome and a good commander even though he treated us a little harsh at times. However, I didn’t expect… that he’d be such a petty person. How annoying.”

Anger was written all over Ye Feiyu’s face and she felt rather embarrassed for fancying Xu Zhenyu after thinking about the unfair treatment that he had subjected Wen Xinya to.

After feeling much more relieved, Wen Xinya began to get into the mood for jokes. “So you actually know how annoying he is. You were so obsessed with him previously and you even said that he was the most handsome and charismatic man in the world. Why did you change all of a sudden?”

As red as a tomato, Ye Feiyu answered, “So what if he’s handsome and charismatic? His good looks can’t cover his shameless and despicable nature.”

Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now