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"Do you think we should bring a pie? That might be nice!"

I looked up from the mirror I was using to do my makeup to see Destiny walking into my room holding her shoes in her hand.

"Yeah! Good idea. We can just pick one up on the way," I responded. She gave me a thumbs up and exited.

We were getting ready to leave for a housewarming party for Savannah! Okay, well, technically, it wasn't much of a housewarming since she had been living there for a couple months now, and we had already visited. But, Savannah was waiting to feel more settled in to the place first before she had a real event. Destiny and I had gone over multiple times to help with moving and decorating. Her new place was picturesque. Isolated on a patch of flat land with the only neighboring areas being covered in trees, her tiny home looked like a cabin you'd see in a Bob Ross painting. Of course, Savannah being Savannah, she had planned to make her first party perfect, despite it being small. She'd even got invitations! I looked to the desk beside me where I had her invite laid out (I'd just taken a picture for instagram 😝). A recent memory flashed in my mind.

 A recent memory flashed in my mind

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2 WEEKS PRIOR ----------

"Oh, cute!!!" I thought out loud, leaning on the counter of my kitchen.

"What's that?" Henry said on speakerphone. He and I were facetiming, as usual.

I lifted the paper in my hands to the camera. "Oh, just an invite from a friend. I can tell she worked really hard on them."

"Oh, that's nice! What friend? And what's the invite for?" Henry asked, surprising me with his interest.

"It's my friend, Savannah! You've met briefly, I think-" this was confirmed by his nodding, "...And she's having a little bonfire housewarming. She finally moved into the tiny house she's been wanting for forever."

"Wow, a tiny house! That sounds like fun. When is it? I can make sure I'm available, if you want," Henry offered.

I shook my head. "It's in two weeks... but don't feel like you have to go! I mean, of course I want you there, but it's just gonna be a bunch of people you don't know. I don't want to force you to hang around anybody." I instantly felt a little dumb saying this knowing that I would love for him to be there, but sometimes I felt embarrassed having him around my friends. I'm not sure why since I loved my friends, but I quickly became hyperaware of anything they did when he was around. I didn't want him to get bored or annoyed by the childish things people would do, or not have a good time.

Henry furrowed his brow. "Sydney, you're not forcing me to do anything. I offered!" he laughed. "Plus, your friends are my friends! You've had to hang around some of my friends and we all know Michael is annoying." I laughed loudly, remembering a recent night out he was referring to.

"Okay... thanks, Henry," I smiled.


Henry and I had been together for a little while now, but I was still nervous for tonight. I looked at myself in the mirror once more before I had to head to the car. Since we were going to be outside on a cold night for the bonfire, I made sure to bring layers. I was wearing jeans tonight which I didn't normally do but I knew that Henry loved me in them. Destiny had joked that we were wearing hoe-fits tonight, rain boots and all. Since she and I had been helping Savannah on her tiny house so often, we had all decided to get matching boots so we didn't get our shoes muddy. Destiny had green, Savannah yellow, and me pink. We all jokingly agreed to wear them tonight.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2022 ⏰

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