Please read :)

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Hello everyone!

So as you already know, this is a guide/recommendation/rating of sorts for Tom Riddle FanFiction.

Since I can never finish writing a Tom Riddle Fanfic of my own, but I thoroughly enjoy reading them, I thought I would start this little series. I asked my followers what they thought if it, and lots of people agreed to the idea.

Basically I will have a different story per chapter, I will rate it out of 10, give my experience with reading it(e.g. how I felt, did I cry, did it really make me think and all of that fun stuff), a few things I loved about it, and a few things that could be improved.

This isn't just for readers, it's for the authors as well.

(It's also for me, since I now have an excuse to reread many Tom Riddle stories)

I will not be including stories that have a long way to go. For example if a story only has 9 chapters, and it isn't a short story I will not be including it as I want to have a good idea of the story for me to be able to judge it.

P.S., if you have tom riddle stories you want me to read, pop them in the comment section of this little paragraph, or you can private message me! I'm open to every and all!

If you have any questions, be sure to ask, I like to think I'm not that scary :)

And to all authors and readers, this book is merely based on MY opinion, and is solely for the purpose of giving constructive criticism, as well recommendations to my fellow Tom Riddle lovers.

Now I love discussing things, especially over Tom since he is quite the character, so if you don't agree with me, simply comment that you don't agree and why, so we can have a fun NICE discussion about it, or just simply move onto the next one. Also be sure to give your own opinion if you want to.

There will be no childish arguing, people who decide to share hate and spoilers will be blocked! This is a safe place, to simply express your opinion, without being judged.

I hope you guys like it, I had a fun time making this :)

Yours truly,

TOM RIDDLE FANFIC RECOMMENDATIONS!Where stories live. Discover now