Start from the beginning

      When Harry opened his mouth to retort something, George gave him a glare. "Don't try it, Harry. I can't believe you're even bringing this up. What, are you accusing Nova of being a Death Eater?"

      Ginny snorted. "Pretty stupid of you, Harry."

      Harry's cheeks went unbelievably red and Nova looked back and forth between he and Ginny. He was staring at her like she had just hit him over the head, his eyes lowering when she went to tousle his hair playfully. Nova kept her observations to herself, simply taking a sip of her water and uncomfortably clearing her throat. She wished she was old enough to Apparate so she could be anywhere but the dinner table. Maybe she could get George and Fred to Apparate her back to their flat.

      As soon as dinner was over, Nova excused herself and made her way to the room she would be staying in. She could tell what side of the room was Ginny's and which side was Fleur's, as the pretty French woman had more trunks full of clothes than Ginny's did. There was a small little mattress on the floor that Nova assumed was hers, as her overnight bag was sitting on it. She changed out of her dress and into the pajamas that the twins had sneakily packed her, happy at least that they weren't super embarrassing. 

      Ginny entered the room as soon as Nova finished changing. "Smart move, getting in your pajamas. Sorry about Harry being a dolt at dinner. Ron chewed him out when you left."

      "He did?" 

      "Of course he did. Harry was being stupid. Pass me those flannel pajama bottoms, would you?"

      Nova handed over the green and red pajama bottoms. Ginny left the room for a moment, presumably to change in the bathroom, and came back into the room wearing her own pajamas. They looked more festive than Nova's, but since the twins had picked hers out, she wasn't going to complain. "You going back down there?" Nova asked.

      "Yeah. You coming?"

      Nova shook her head. "I'm really tired and...well, I'm not feeling the best. Will you tell your mum for me?"

      Ginny shot her a sympathetic look. "Sure. Don't let what Harry said bother you, yeah? He's just a stupid boy."

      "Thanks, Ginny."

      The redhead smiled at Nova and left the room, closing the door behind her to give Nova some privacy. As soon as Ginny was gone, Nova lowered herself down onto her mattress and pulled the blankets up to her chin, closing her eyes against the onslaught of tears that threatened to come.

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      Nova cast the charm around herself and slowly sat up on her mattress. She had been asleep when Fleur and Ginny had wandered into the room, but she had woken up in the middle of the night and had been unable to fall back asleep. It was quite rude to go pilfering through the Weasley's kitchen. She knew it. But she desperately wanted something to drink and she wasn't sure if she would be able to go back to sleep anyway. So she cast the silencing charm on herself and found her feet moving towards the door, making her way slowly down the several sets of stairs.

      The leftovers from dinner were still in the fridge, but Nova grabbed a teacup from the cupboard Mrs. Weasley had shown her earlier and filled it with water, leaning against the kitchen counter. She still couldn't believe she was standing in the Weasley's home, a feat that would have driven her father mad. Many months had passed since she gave a damn what he thought, but now she considered the pure fury on his face when he saw her conversing with them, staying in their "blood-traitor home."

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