Oh Shit! He didn't.

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(Let's clear something up. At the beggining when Joey asked id Brian liked Holly it was because he was worried that he liked her because he liked her)

Chapter 2

Brian slammed his door and lied on his bed saying curses to himself. Then he got up still muttering curses and grabbed a beer out of his mini fridge. He drank it planning on getting drunk. He kept drinking but he couldn't get drunk. All he could think about was Holly. Brian always got angry when he didn't get what he wanted. It was like that time two years ago (before Holly was a starkid) when he had a crush on Meredith. He caught her in her apartment kissing another guy. But they were still friends though. Maybe he should go sit in there with them. Brian left his room and went to the living room. But no one was there but Holly and Joey. They were kissing. Brian started crying. He ran out of the house. Holly noticed but Joey didn't let her leave.

Meanwhile at Jaime's apartment she was curled in her bed crying. She always loved Joey. But Holly was one of her best friends. All she did was imagine her and Joey together. "Wait." She said to herself. She knew Holly liked Brian though. She also knew Brian loved Holly. She also knew Brian was crying when she left. She wondered if Holly liked Joey now. Jaime cried herself to sleep thinking of Joey.

* * *

That night Holly fell asleep watching Lord Of The Rings with Joey. She awoke in his bed. He wasn't there though. Joey must've tucked her in. She hurried out of bed and drove home. Then she took a shower. Then she shaved. Then she got dressed in a hoodie a striped tshirt and ripped jeans. Then she had breakfast. She decided to call Brian and see what he was sad about. Brian had fallen asleep at Rosenthal's house. Rosenthal left him a note that he went to Nick's to hang out. Brian's cell was ringing he answered. He was sitting down drinking coffee. "Hewo." He said tiredly. "Hi Brian! It's Holly! Can I come over and hang out?" Holly asked. "Sure!" He said. "Bye!" Holy said. Brian had driven home right after Holly had left the manor. He had to make himself presentable. He combed his hair in the excact style he knew Holly loved. Then he brushed his teeth and went to his room. He took of his clothes. Then there was a knock on the door. "She gets here when I'm naked." He said. He slipped on a quick hoodie over his shirtless body. Then he put on underwear quick and sweatpants. "Hi!" He said answering. "Hi Bri! It took you a while to answer." Holly said. "Yeah. Sorry." Brian said. "Care to sit?" Brian asked. Holly and himself were the only ones there. Holly turned on the TV. "What do you wanna watch?" Brian asked. "How bout a movie! Of your choice of course." Holly said. Brian went to his movie shelf. "How's The Goblet of Fire?" Brian asked. "Sure!" Holly said. Brian put it on then say down next to Holly. "Can you get snaaaacks?" Holly asked batting her eyelashes and pouting her lips. "Okay." Brian said distracted by her beauty. He got up and got a bowl of Dorito chips (Hollys favorite) and Rootbeer (Holly's favorite drink.) He came back into the living room. "What a gentlemen!" Holly said. Brian sat next to her and crossed his leg and put his arm around her. "Holly the movies over." Brian said once the credits started. He looke down. On his lap was the head of the beautiful Holly Lacelle. She was fast asleep. "I love you!" He said. But he knew she didn't hear. "Hey what are you doing?!" Joey yelled. He just came through the door. "I thought we were friends! Now your snuggling with my girlfriend. Joey pulled her off Brian's lap as she woke up. He carried her bridal style to his room Holly not knowing what was going on. Brian ran to his room and broke into tears.

"God. Joey knew I loved her. He must've loved her to." Brian said to himself. "I hate my life." Brian said.

In Joey's room Holly was watching TV and Joey was rubbing her back. "What happened?" Holly asked yawning. "Oh. Brian was sitting with you and you were sleeping on his lap." Joey said. "Oh! I'm sorry." Holly said. "No it's okay. I'll talk to that jerk later." Joey said. Holly stood up and got angry. "BRIAN DANIEL HOLDEN IS NOT A JERK! YOUR JUST MAD AT HIM! Look Joey. I wanna be your friend but, please don't insult Brian." Holly said. She was about to break up with him. Why didn't she! "Fine but he still has to apologize." Joey said while flipping through channels. "Fine. I'll go talk to him." Holly said. She walked away. She headed for Brian's room. When she got in she smelled alcohol. Brian was drunk. Brian looked right at her. "Brian. This is a bad time." Holly said. But Brian just came over and got on his knee. "Holly Jenny-Anne Lacelle. Will you marry me?" He asked. "Brian. Your drunk. And your place is a mess. Do you wanna sleepover at my place tonight?" Holly asked. "Sure!" Brian said. Holly held his hand and picked him up. She dragged him out of the manor and put him in the passenger seat in her car. Brian wouldn't stop starting at her with those marvelous blue eyes. Holly couldn't help but blush. She wanted to break up with Joey because she loved Brian. But it would break Joey's heart. He would also get mad if Holly broke up with him for another guy. Once they reached Holly's apartment she had to hold his hand the whole way through the building to get him to follow. They made it to Holly's apartment. Holly's strong self picked Brian up bridal style and carried him to her room. She tucked him in. "Goodnight Brian." Holly said. Then she kissed him on the forehead. It was already 8:00 pm when she finished. Holly decided to sit down with some coffee and read. She was reading The Hobbit. About half an hour later she noticed beside her was un-drunk Brian. "Good book isn't it?" Brian said. Holly jumped because she didn't know he was there. "Holy shit you friggin goon!" Holly said. "How long have you been here?" Holly asked. "About 10 15 minutes." Brian said truthfully. Holly put down her book. "Brian?" Holly said. "Yes?" Brian said staring at there so perfect with his swiveling blue eyes that she loved. And that wonderful smile that could always cheer her up. "I have a question just out of the blue. What if you like someone a lot! But your dating someone else and you don't wanna nreak their heart?" Holly asked. Brian thought over this he got nervous as Holly moved closer to him. "I uh think uum. You should tell the person your dating that you still wanna be friends. And then if the person you love asks you out. You say yes." Brian said. "Thank you Brian!" Holly said. They both stood up and Holly gave Brian a tight hug. Then she kissed him softly on the cheek. Holly ran out the door. Brian didn't know what to do. He was alone in the girl he loveds apartment. But then he noticed something on the wall that confused him. It was a drawing of his face. It was amazing. It was signed "Holly Lacelle" then there was something next to it. A college of himself and her. At the top it said December 2012- April 2013. The Hunger Games Musical was in January. They found her in December. And April 2013 was just last month so she couldn't have made this to long ago. There was a ton of pictures that made him smile. But he loved and I mean "LOVED" this one. It was Holly in her costume from The Hunger Games and Brian in his and it was backstage and Holly was kissing him on the cheek. Brian stared at it for a while. Then he noticed Holly run back in crying. "What happened?" Brian said. "I-I told J-Joey I-I just wanted to b-be f-friends. But th-then he s-said he w-was g-gonna b-break up w-with m-me anyway!" Holly said. "B-but h-he agreed to j-just b-be friends b-but h-he s-said it!" Holly said. Holly was sitting on Brian's lap. Brian ran his hand through her hair. Holly was so happy. She felt like someone liked her. "It's okay. But your gonna have to get along with Joey." Brian said. "Huh. I know." Holly said. I looked at my watch it was 2:00 am. "Whoa! We need to get some sleep." Brian said. "Okay goodnight." Holly said. Holy walked away from Brian to her room. "Can I sleep here tonight?" Brian said. "Yeah take the couch." Holly said crying. Before Brian was even lying on the couch yet he heard Holly call from her room. Brian ran in. She was already in her pajamas. "What!?" Brian said sounding worried that there was a problem. "Can you tuck me in and sing to me?" Holly asked. "Sure." Brian said. He placed the blanket on her softly. Then he started singing the lullaby that says goodnight to the starkid fans. Once he finished his silly lullaby he kissed Holly gently on the forehead. "Goodnight beautiful." He said as he walked away. Holly blushed and just thought of Brian as she cried herself to sleep.

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