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            "Get in loser, we're going shopping," the redhead announced as Millie approached the car.

             "Ugh, I wish. I'd rather be shopping than school," the brunette huffed and took her seat beside her best friend.
"Oh, shut up. You're the type who would make up an excuse just to stay in,"
And by the way the brunette is trying to hold back her laugh,  Sadie knows that she's right.

Millie Bobby Brown is a straight A student. You'll hear her complain multiple times about how much work she has to do, and how much school sucks, but you'll never see her with a failing grade; something Sadie Sink was very much jealous of, but she still loved her best friend to bits.

"Oh come on, Sads. I slack off sometimes too,"
"Uh, hello. You're Millie Bobby Brown. WHEN have you ever slacked off?"
"Doesn't napping and binge watching netflix shows considered as slacking off?"
"Touché, Mills."

          The two arrive at the school, and immediately caught sight of their friend, Noah, making out with a boy on a hood of a car.

          "Oh, God. It's too early and I'm too coffee deprived for this shit," Sadie whispered to her best friend's ear. Millie chuckled.
          "Hey Noah! You done yet?" Millie shouted to get his attention. The dark haired boy looked at her and nodded, and whispered something to the boy he just had a make out session with.
           "Noah Cameron Schnapp, it's 8 AM. How are you already making out with a boy in the school parking lot?" the redhead questioned.
           "Oh Sadie, are you mad because my make out session called you single in 36 languages?" the boy snapped back at her.
"Oooh, might want to apply cold water to that hun," Millie said while laughing.
"Oh shut up you two, we're going to be late for class." Sadie huffed.
"Hold on- did I hear you right? Sadie Madison Sink, is worried about being late?"
"Oh Mills, we must be dreaming," the boy dramatically said, which caused them to burst into another fit of laughter, this time with Sadie joining in.

It was moments like this that Millie loved the most, moments where she just forgets everybody else in the world. Just her and her best friends laughing their asses off, without any regard of who might be looking.

"Stoooop, I'm serious. I have Mr. Clarke on first period and I cannot be late again," the redhead said defensively.
"Oooh, tough. I heard he gave Maddie detention for showing up late in his class," Noah chirped in.
"Bloody hell. Let's go then," Millie said.

Meanwhile in class, try as she might to pay attention, Millie was bored out of her mind. She just wanted to crawl out of the window beside her seat and run away.

It's not that she hates this class, as a matter of fact, she loves it; but right now, her mind just struggles to focus on the ramblings of her teacher. She knows she'll regret not listening later, but that's a problem for her future self to handle.
Her dumping her problems to solve for later has become a sort of toxic trait of hers, and it's gotten to the point where it just feels like a parasite that she's fully aware that's there, but doesn't do anything to remove it. But no- it's not like she doesn't want it to be gone, but it's almost like its preventing her to do anything.

Her eyes trail off to the young kids walking together, and reminds her of a memory she didn't even know she still had.

"So where are you guys from? And where do you guys live right now? " the curly haired boy inquire to the two girls sitting in front of him.
"Oh well, I'm from London. And right now we live by Lake Claire," little Millie responded.
"Oh no way! We live there too! Well, um, nearby, and I'm from New York." the red headed Sadie said.
"Oh cool, well I'm from Vancouver, I live nearby Lake Claire too. So I guess since we're all just going home to the same direction, would you guys want to go home together?" the curly headed boy asked them, to which the two girls responded by nodding their head yes.
Millie remembers how much her younger self found that boy so cute, with his dark brown locks and freckles all over his cheeks.

Oh God, that memory again. Although it was where she met her best friend until now, the presence of that boy in it makes it painful to remember.

When the bell finally rang and signalled their break time, Millie sighed of relief and hurried to get out of the classroom to find her friends.
As soon as she gets out, she sees Iris and Maddie and tackles them from the back.

Iris Apatow. The prettiest and sweetest friend of Millie. This blonde haired girl met Millie in 5th grade, and she hasn't stopped being her friend since. And although all her friends are gorgeous, Millie always saw Iris as different, and she always thought her unexpected compassion made her stood out.
"Mills, oh my Lord, I love you but you have to stop doing that," the blonde said to her.
"Yeah, you're going to scare our poor baby to death, Mills,"
Maddie Ziegler, another one of Millie's talented friends. Millie actually wasn't close to Maddie at first, as she saw maddie as intimidating because of her somehow bitchy expression. But of course, the most unexpected friendships are often the best ones. Maddie and Millie became friends because of Iris, the sweetheart of their friend group.

Maddie's comment made Millie chuckle a bit and made Iris a bit embarassed, and in an attempt to make Iris feel a bit better, she said "Awe, I just tackled you guys because I didn't see you guys earlier, I was with Sadie and Noah."
"Oh yeah, we ran a bit late because Maddie wanted to stop by Starbucks before we go," Iris explained, giving Maddie the slight dirty eye, which in turn made Maddie giggle.
"Anyways, Mills, have you seen Sophia and Lilia?"
"Uh no, I was actually about to ask you guys the same thing."
"We'll see them in the caf anyway. Let's go, you two," Iris grabs both her best friends arms.

In the cafeteria, only Noah and Sadie are on their spot. Usually the two other girls would be there by now, so to say it's unusual is an understatement.
"Took you guys long enough," Noah said to them.
"Yeah, where were you guys? And where's Sophia and Lilia?" Sadie chimed in.
"Dude, we thought they were here with you guys," Maddie answered.
"That's weird," Sadie said.
"That's suspicious," Iris added.
"They probably overslept again," Millie casually said.
"Probably. I mean, they do love sleeping in and ditching class," Noah said.
And with that, the discussion was over. It was unusually quiet for a while, but that didn't really last long. Soon enough, their table was the loudest one in the cafeteria, but none of them were ever really the type to care.

After a few more hours, school was over. The friends parted ways and Millie rode in Sadie's car home. When Sadie dropped her off at her house, she waved her good bye and head inside.
And as usual, she was home alone again.
Her brother is currently out God knows where, and her parents are both at work.

She decides to take a quick shower and change into comfortable clothes.
Once Millie feels the water hit her skin, she feels a slight shiver which quickly goes down.
Showers, for Millie, can be a double edged sword. Come at a right time and the right mindset, and you'll find yourself relaxing. But, entered the shower at a horrible time and your mind will betray you into giving into your darkest thoughts.

But tonight, maybe for the first time, her head was completely clear. And after that, she made her way to her bed, and done something she didn't do all day: check her notifications.

Her usual notifications were liked instagram posts, and other messages. However, there was one notification that caught her eye, a snapchat notification. Millie almost bulged her eyes out for what she had just read..

"finnwolfhard added you as a friend!"

Oh shit.

This chapter is super short, I know.

Hello everyone, how are you liking this book so far? Let me know what you think!

Ngl, some parts of this just totally sucked. And I totally get that, and I'll try to improve along the way. ❤️

Ily all and please stay safe. Mwa

Word count without the A/N: 1393 words

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2020 ⏰

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