Dragged Along · Pt. 1

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"No I don't wanna go!"
"Too bad!"
It was a Friday after school and you wanted nothing more than to go home and sleep. Unluckily for you, your cousin had other plans. Your parents wouldn't be home for a few weeks on a business trip and left your older cousin in charge of watching you.
So now here you were. Being dragged along by Kyotani to his after school practice.
You had never met his team (except for Kindaichi and Kunimi) and to be honest you didn't want to. You were awkward and would rather avoid social interaction. Not that he cared as you struggled to escape while he flung you over his shoulder and continued to walk to practice. You didn't like making things complicated for him but the idea of being the only girl with no friends to talk to in a gym full of guys you didn't/barley knew didn't make you happy at all.
"But I don't know any of them! I-I don't wanna go" you tried to squirm out of his grip but it didn't work. You wanted nothing more than to run home into the safety of your bed.
"I didn't say you had to talk to them. Stop being difficult you can leave after! You're stuck with me so deal with it!" He said. His parents weren't home and you were staying with him. He was protective and didn't really like the idea of leaving you there alone.
You knew there was no escape and gave up as he put you down and practically dragged you to practice.
"Whatever you underdeveloped Chihuahua" you mumbled hoping he didn't hear. Luckily for you he didn't.
You could hear the squeaking of shoes on the gym floor as he opened it and headed inside. You hid behind him as they stopped to look at the two of you as Kyotani slammed the door open.
"Mad dog-chan! It's about time" Oikawa said not noticing the smaller girl hiding behind him.
"Who's that behind you?" Yahaba asked pointing behind Kyotani. "None of your business. Where's Iwaizumi?" He asked.
"Hmm he'll be a little late but he should be here soon!" Oikawa said trying to see the girl behind him. However everytime he moved to see you, you'd move the opposite way out of his sight behind Kyotani.
"Aww is she shy?" Oikawa teased earning a glare from Kyotani. "No I just taught her to avoid trash" he replied with a small smirk. The captain gasped as he pretend to be offended while the rest held back laughs.
The second year then turned to you and told you where to sit, knowing you didn't really want to talk.
You walked towards the corner and sat there, putting in earbuds and taking out your sketch pad to avoid the people around.
You didn't want to be rude, you just didn't really want to talk. You only had a couple of friends, it was just hard for you to make and keep friends so you usually kept to yourself. You also just wanted to avoid drama and stuff. Besides, people suck. Also you were told to avoid the captain by Kyotani. You were confused at first but upon meeting him, he's attractive yeah but still annoying.

Not to long after, Iwaizumi came in, not noticing the first year in the corner. The first thing he saw was Oikawa pouting as he walked over to Matsukawa. "Oi why is shittykawa pouting?" He asked. "He got ignored and avoided by a girl for the first time ever" Matsun answered shaking his head at the captain.
Iwaizumi sighed as he grabbed a volleyball and threw it at Oikawas head. "Stop pouting Shittykawa! Get practicing already."
"Mean Iwa chan! And last I checked I was the captain, not you!"
"... Ok ok I'll start practice!" Oikawa said not wanting a volleyball shoved down his throat.
You looked back down at your drawing after seeing this happen with a smile after he'd gotten a volleyball thrown at him.
It was about halfway through practice when Iwaizumi noticed you as you stood up to stretch from sitting for so long. "Who's that?" "(Y/n). My cousin, she doesn't really like talking to people" Kyotani answered as he continued to do what he was doing.
Iwaizumi didn't say anything else as he looked at you.
She's kinda cute. Whatever probably just another one of Oikawa fan girls or something. He thought as he went back to practice. However for some reason his eyes were drawn to you as throughout the rest of practice as he continued to glance at (y/n) minding her business in the corner.
781 words, sorry for any errors/mistakes I may have made.
This is part 1! Sorry its short, the next one will be longer hopefully.
Have a good day 🖤

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