Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy

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I woke to see Draco fast asleep underneath me, his messy blonde hair in his face, and his chest rising and falling with every breath he takes. I admire how beautiful he is.

My mind then reminds me of the mystery girl in my dreams yet again. This time, I dreamt about waking up next to her. I couldn't see her face, all I saw were the blankets that were on top of us and her beautiful hair.

"Good morning beautiful." Draco says sleepily, he slowly opens his eyes and looks at me. I immediately drown in the icy blue of his eyes.

"Morning." I reply as I sit up but Draco puts his arm around my waist and pulls me back to him.

"We gotta get up or else we're going to miss the train." I chuckle as I lay in his arms.

"Oh well, my parents will deal with it. I doubt my dad will notice if I didn't show up." Draco replies. He then starts kissing my neck and cheek. I look up at him and he kisses me hard and passionately.

Then comes a knock on the door which startles us both. I look to Blaise's empty bed and guess that Draco made him sleep on the couch.

Blaise and Pansy come into Draco's dorm, fully dressed and ready to go with their trunks packed. "Bloody hell, come on you guys or we're going to be late." Pansy says as she covers her eyes. I look down and realize I no longer have a shirt on.

"Blaise you better not be looking" Draco spits and Blaise rolls his eyes and then closes them. Draco hands me one of his black shirts and I throw it on.


After getting yelled at by Pansy and Blaise, I go back to my room and get dressed. I throw on a white long sleeve top with a tight black dress on top with my black heels and tights that stop at my thighs. I threw my long black hair into a ponytail since I forgot to wash it last night and put on my usual makeup.

I quickly pack my things with the flick of my wand and head downstairs.

We got to the train just in time, before it was going to leave. There were not many students on the train which was surprising because most people usually left for winter break.

Draco, Pansy, Blaise and I had a compartment for ourselves that became messy very fast. Draco and I sat together and Blaise and Pansy sat across from us.

The train ride was exactly what I needed. It got my mind off of the girl in my dreams. Eventually, we made it to the station to see no other than Lucius Malfoy waiting for us.

"Hello, Pansy, Blaise, Knightly. It's nice to see you all." He acknowledges everybody except Draco, which I can see that hurt him a little but he pushed that feeling away.

"It's nice to see you Mr. Malfoy." I reply looking up at his long platinum blonde hair down to his shoulders, his hand gripped around the snake head on his cane and his piercing blue eyes staring down at mine.

"Please Knightly, call me Lucius." he grinned but it immediately faded to a straight face that sent shivers down my spine.

Once we made it to the Malfoy Manor, my mouth instantly dropped. It was almost as big as Hogwarts. There were bushes and trees surrounding it and I could see some parts of the Garden in the back.

I guess Pansy noticed I was in awe because she said "Just wait until you see the inside." Which made me even more anxious to see.

"Just leave your trunks here, our house elf will get them for you." Lucius says as he opens the large doors that lead to the entrance hall.

Immediately, my jaw dropped yet again, the inside was almost as beautiful as the outside. It was absolutely magnificent.

All of a sudden, I heard heels approaching us. A woman appeared and my heart stopped.

"Hi, I'm Draco's mother, Narcissa. It's so nice to meet you all." 

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