Dear Society Part 2

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Dear Society,

I have smashed what illusion of freedom the individual has, now is the time for the gendered portion.

Biologically there is no gender. Gender is what society places at the feet of the sexes. Biologically there are 6 sexes, only two of which are truly known universally. 

Males are told to show no emotion. Do not cry, be a man. The tag line of a Society built on toxicity. Males are the provider. The family needs the man according to you Society. Do not play coy with the delusions otherwise. Men are used by you and woman alike. In the case of woman there is an excuse Society as what they are taught is that men are to provide. The delusion that it is a 50/50 split is bullshit and allow me to tell you why. When a divorce happens where does the money 98% of the time come from for the spouse, let me enlighten you it is from men. Men are bleed dry for child support and alimony even if they are not at fault.

Men are screwed if their marriage fall apart even through no fault of their own. Woman reap the benefits of a flawed system that they continue to gain. A man can be on the hook for child support even if the child is not his because it is in the best interest of the child. This is fucked. Toxic. Belittling to men. Stay in your lane and take it. Society go fuck yourself. You selfish prick. Men are stripped of their rights as a parent in a divorce because of the child support. Makes very little sense from the outside but lets push this issue further of child support. When a man is forced to pay child support a woman gets more if the man isn't in the picture. 89% of the time. What behavior do you think this encourages? Let me tell you. It encourages woman to prevent the man at all costs from being able to see his child. How do you think this is evenly remotely ok? Screwed if we do and screwed if we don't. Men are forced to be in the selective service in the case of a draft but woman are not. Equality? There is no fucking equality in Society for men or women. There was a movement a few years ago talking about Toxic masculinity that is still spread to this day. Who started this ideal of "Masculinity" in the first place Society? You did. How the fuck are men supposed to handle emotions when they are forced at a young age to not experience them. Are you high? You must be. Men are shown by your actions that we are not essential in the raising of a child. Go fuck yourself Society.

Woman are fucked in much the same way men are. Woman want equality. Or this is what is said. Equality is both good and bad. Let's go with the good first. Having the same rights and privileges as men.  Sure that is fair, however this isn't what Feminists want. They want to be higher than men. IF they wanted equality they would be pushing for the negatives as well of equality. Selective service, the same time for laws being broken, but you do not hear this from the mouth of a Feminist. How am I meant to take you seriously when you say you want "Equality". Equality means equal. It is the root of the word Equal-ity. You cannot be greater than someone and be equal. I am not anti-female. I am for the equality of all humans. I am a Humanist. It shouldn't matter about the sex, orientation, or skin color of a individual what rights they do and don't have.

Race is such a touchy subject right now isn't it? How would Society be able to end this? The only way would be to think of someone beyond their Melanin pigment. How are we still looking at something literally skin deep. We should be looking beyond such petty judgements over something they have no control over.  How we change this is by not acknowledging skin color. Why is this an issue. We are human first and foremost. 

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