** UPDATED** Chapter 78 part 1

Start from the beginning

Er Nai Nai said kindly: " Okay, then please take care. Just talk to FengTai if you need any medicine that's hard to come in hand. There are several doctors in BeiPing that are excellent. You can send me your record and I will ask a doctor to make a prescription.

Zhao YuanZhen was thankful for that and the two people hung up the phone after being uncomfortably polite for a long time.


Cheng FengTai felt embarrassed as he watch the cat give the mouse a year's greeting. 

Er Nai Nai formed a smile at the corner of her mouth and said with satisfaction: " She indeed is knowledgeable and wise. She knows how to be polite upfront and treats me well.

Her mind changed and her attitude towards seeing people have changed. Comparing him to Shang XiRui, Zhao YuanZhen is a living god! Zhao's family is comparable to the Cheng family. 

After a few years, the neighbors have observed that Zhao YuanZhen is also a peaceful person who can't get out of the door. She has never seen her laugh with other women nor saw a man on her front door. The most impressive point is that Zhao Yuanzhen can hardly have children!

It appears that she was a little reluctant to sleep with men and Er Nai Nai is very confident in her. She is an urban woman with a modern knowledge. Someone who can hold Cheng FengTai without relying on physical contact.In the past, in Shanghai, Cheng FengTai and his sister had nothing to say. Only listening to her suggestions and endless talk. 

The more Er Nai Nai thinks about this, the more determined she is up to the point that she has even figured out how to persuade Zhao YuanZhen's mother and where to place Zhao YuanZhen's big hunting dog. She deeply regretted why her temper blocked the two of them in the first place where all in all it was nothing but to another mouth feed. With her capabilities, can't she control another concubine?

This led to Shang XiRui having the opportunity to take advantage of the lascivious stuffs. Er Nai Nai thought about it and said to Cheng FengTai: " She's very unfortunate, have a talk with her and take care of her. " Cheng FengTai knew that Er Nai Nai was indeed serious this time and would not let it go.

Er Nai Nai made a decision about Zhao YuanZhen on her own and her heart became complacent, she no longer restricts Cheng FengTai to go out. Cheng FengTai quickly jumped out faster than a rabbit. This time he went to Shuiyun Tower between 5 to 7 in the evening very unhappy. 

When he saw Shang XiRui, he said, " Who gave the idea to perform 《Zhang Wang Chen》? Come on! How good is Princess Heyang in 《Shuang Tou Tang》? " He is now quite aware of two Beijing operas.


Shang XiRui gave a performance matching the level of his expectations. He dare to say that this play was created personally by him. There are neither predecessors nor novices and the play can be renamed Zou XiRui to commemorate it. He couldn't get any more proud.

Cheng FengTai after watching the show ran away for 2 days.  Then came here to reprimand and dare to pick on his play! 

This made Shang XiRui very angry and slapped him with a big mouthful: " Shit! What fucking shit ass scene do you know! You know nothing but shit! Fuck away! Get out! Out! Out! Out! " Two curses broke Cheng FengTai. Dashing out of the backstage, he almost fell into a big somersault.


Cheng Fengtai got more upset and went to see Zeng Aiyu at the small mansion with a frown. Zeng AiYu isn't also easy to meddle with. When she saw him coming, she immediately act sick and clamored to go to the hospital. 

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