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In this scenario, everyone is friends, sort of, this is before Hophie. Tedros is jealous of Japeth and Aric, even though Agatha has no interest in either of them.

"I'm bored" Sophie announced, after half an hour of sorting Reader applications with Agatha, Tedros, Hort, the Coven, Aric and Japeth. Aric glared at her. "What do you suggest we do instead, your majesty?" he asked. Sophie grinned. "Well, I was thinking we could play truth or dare!". Tedros rolled his eyes. "Seriously? Hasn't that become a cliché by now?". Sophie threw him a death glare. "Fine" he eventually mumbled. "Wonderful. I'll go first. Aggie, darling, truth or dare?". Agatha bit her lip before answering, "Dare". "Ooh, I have one that Teddy will hate!" Sophie exclaimed excitedly. "Aggie, I dare you to kiss one boy, that isn't Tedros or Hort, of your choice". Tedros's jaw dropped. "Wha- I can't- WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL, SOPHIE!?" the king of Camelot yelled. Sophie shushed him. "Wait, why not Hort?" Agatha asked. "Because", Sophie explained, "He's like a brother to you. Now choose.". Agatha stood up timidly, and made her way over to where Aric and Japeth were standing. "I am very sorry about this" she said, before closing her eyes and kissing Aric. Aric took this chance to annoy Tedros, and kissed her back passionately, his hands going to her hair. Finally, Tedros couldn't take it any more. "Ok, that's it. Aric, get away from my wife immediately, or you'll be kissing the end of my sword in a minute." he growled. Aric made a big show of mock-disappointment, giving a flustered Agatha over to Tedros. Only Sophie noticed the look of pure jealousy on Japeth's face. Agatha looked over at the Coven. "Dot, truth or dare?" she asked. Dot smiled. "Truth" she answered. "Now, I'm no expert, but I believe the truth can be about yourself, or someone else in the room. Is that correct, Sophie?" . Agatha looked at her sister, who answered. "Of course". Agatha grinned at Dot. "Hester and Anadil have teased you many times. So if you have any dirt on them, now's the time to use it." Agatha said. "Well. . . I mean, there is something. I know their cute nicknames for each other. Hester calls Ani 'Snow White' and Ani calls Hester 'Florian' because that's the name of Snow White's prince." the witch answered. Her two friends turned beet-red, and stared at the ground. After two seconds of silence, the entire room burst into peals of laughter. When everyone had calmed down, Dot turned to Hort. "Hort, truth or dare?". "Dare" he answered immediately. Dot smiled evilly. "You once said that kissing Tedros is probably 'slobbery and horrible and smells like grass', correct? Well, now you're going to put that theory to the test.". Hort and Tedros both paled. Agatha smirked at her husband. "Go on, Tedros. Be a man." she laughed. Tedros took a hesitant step towards the weasel. They leaned in, and just as their lips were about to make contact, they both pulled away. "No, I'm sorry, nope, nope, I'm not kissing the weasel." Tedros spluttered. Sophie sighed. "Fine. You both forfeit. Take off one piece of clothing" she said. Tedros smiled and happily took his shirt off, sitting back down next to Agatha. Hort removed his shirt as well, revealing his long lost frog-pajamas ( A.N. If Soman won't bring them back, I will. ). "My go!" Hort said excitedly. "Aric, truth or dare?". Aric rolled his eyes. "I don't care. Surprise me." he answered. Hort was about to suggest something outrageous, but Sophie whispered something in his ear. "Fine. But you owe me!" Hort replied to what she had said. "Aric, I dare you to make out with Japeth for 6 minutes without stopping." he sighed, disappointed. No one except Agatha heard Sophie murmur to herself, "Here comes my OTP". Aric looked at Japeth, who was blushing. "C- Can you believe these people!? I mean, really, I-mph!". Just then, Aric interrupted Japeth's nonsense with a searing kiss. The snakes eyes fluttered shut, his hands finally running through Aric's spiky black hair that he had craved for so long. "Ok, 6 minutes are up, boys, and as adorable as this is, we need to finish the game." Sophie gushed. So the game went on, and though their dare had finished long before, Japeth and Aric clasped each other's hands fore the rest of the game.

I hope you liked that, it was fun to write anyway. Next time, I'm hoping to do a debate. The topic would be: When Tedros made himself look like Aric to try and stop Japeth, would that be considered Evil? Using someone's true love for another to bring them down? If enough people comment their opinion on the matter, I'll put all the answers in the next chapter to see if people agree with this or not. It's kind of a stupid idea, but I have zilch inspiration at the moment. Hope you comment!- E🦢

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