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Available During Chapter 1:

1st Event

Hachi: Ah, I'm kind of thirsty. Hmm... why is lemonade the first thing people think of when they talk about summer drinks? I wonder.

What should I do? Should I invite Hachi to hang out?

Invite Hachi to hang out

See who else is around

Hachi: Like, we could've picked iced tea, soda, orange juice... Like those amazingly bad Capri-Suns!

Hachi and I spent some time discussing our favorite beverages.

Looks like Hachi and I drew a little closer today.

Would you like to give Hachi a present?


Not really...

#76 Indiviblooms— A bouquet of flowers that, when open, smell like the favorite scent of the person who last saw them. They're said to grow only in deep caverns despite minimal access to the sun.

Hachi: Huh? How did you know my exact taste? You're definitely a mind-reader. I would say to stay out of my head, but if it means getting gifts like this, I guess it's okay.


Gou: So, Hachi, how do you feel like you're getting along with everyone?

Hachi: Hmm... okay, I think. Some people probably don't like me much... like Keiji. And some people maybe do. But I don't have telepathy, so I can't really tell. Do you think telepathy would be cool? I don't really know if I'd like it. It could be helpful to better understand people, but an anime I watched once showed me the possible downfalls of it.

Gou: I don't think I'd need it. It's important to learn about people on your own, simply by spending time with them. Knowing their thoughts sounds like a cheat.

Hachi: I like my thoughts perfectly well. That probably comes across as selfish, but I don't always feel the need to learn too much about people. My own head is enough to manage. There's always some other bit of it to explore. Like... the part of my brain that holds thoughts about food, or ninjas, or fireworks, or flowers. Especially flowers. Did you know that tulips are part of the onion family? And that you can actually substitute fresh tulip bulbs for onions in recipes and stuff? But you should make sure they're organic and that your body is okay with it, cause they might occasionally cause digestive problems.

Gou: Wow, I didn't know that! Do you know much about biofuels and stuff like that, or is that out of your general wheelhouse?

Hachi: Wait! Do you think Tozen could cook with tulips? Wouldn't that be super cool?

Gou: He probably could!

Hachi: Y'know, my mum and I have been told that sometimes our imaginations are "overactive." Sometimes she tells me this story where she says one time I ran away from home and hopped a whole lot of buses until I made it all the way from Aomori to Miyagi. She said that when I was found, I was midway through farmhand training and going by the name Sora Yamamoto. I always think it's funny when she tells that story! She always says it so seriously even though it's a really wild one. Stone faced. Like meeeeeeeee. But my mum is usually more expressive than me.

Gou: Yeah, you do seem pretty impassive at times.

Hachi: Why... do we call it stone faced? Like, I assume it's cause rocks don't change... but they do. We can smash 'em and they can break sometimes, or, like, the water can smooth 'em out. And each one is different from one another.

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