Broom closet smut

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Harry tapped his pencil on the desk bored, his arch enemy Draco Malfoy walked in late, walking to the desk in front of Harry. The ravenatte gazed at the blonde spacing out.

"Harry...Harry..hello...Potter", Ron waved his hand in Harrys face trying to get his focus, "er...what..", Harry grabed his books, "yeah class is over it's lunch hour", Ron walked out of the room going to his locker, Harry followed, "Malfoy is coming this way", Ron sneered watching the ravenatte get mesmerized,"you don't like him do you?, Ron mumbled, " don't think", Harry scratched his arm, "whatever", Ron walked off going to his girlfriend Hermione.

Pansy pulled Harry by his shirt into a broom closet, the lights were off and Pansy locked the door from the outside, Harry felt around in the dark touching someones abs, Draco gripped his hands on Harrys wrists, "who are you and what are you doing", Harrys asked getting out of the blondes grip,"Draco...Malfoy and you are?", Draco smirked, "Harry...Potter", Harry loved the way Dracos name rolled off his tongue.

Draco found the light switch, Harry bit his lip looking at Dracos abs, Harry fastly pulled off his shirt feeling that feeling inside of him, Harry pushed Draco up againist a wall, Harry kissed Dracos jaw line going down to his neck finding his sweet spot, Harry sucked on the blondes pale skin leaving hickeys in visible places.

"My turn Potter", Draco grined.

Harry stripped his pants and boxers off for Malfoy, the blonde struggled to get the button undone, "need help", Harry loved watching the blonde struggle.

"I got it", Draco finally got his pants off stripping his boxer off, Draco went behind the ravenatte putting it inside of him, he thrusted hard going fast making the shorter boy moan and squeal loud like a girl, Draco released cum,  Harry shivered in excitement, "get on your knees Malfoy", Harry felt Draco suck on his dick, Draco got the pre cum.  Harry legs shivered almost falling to his knees, Draco gagged, holding his hands on Harrys arse holding him up.

"Sorry", Harry muttered, Draco got up off his knees putting back on his cloths, "what are you not going to get dressed?", Draco asked, "oh yeah sure", Harry put on his cloths, They tried opening the door but it was still locked, Draco texted Pasny to open the door.

"Have fun boys?", Pansy smirked "oh come on no ones out here we still have 20 minutes left", Pansy said, "", Harry tried covering the hickeys and walked off to find Ron.

"Who did you fuck", Ron asked in shock, "what do you mean", Harry acted like nothing happend, Draco over heard and walked closer, "the hickeys", Hermione pointed out, " burns i got", Harry said awkwardly.

"Are these gits bothering you love?", Draco hugged Harry from behind, Harry nodded yes.

"MALFOY...DRACO MALFOY!, Ron shouted like it was a question, "yep thats my name", Draco snickered.

Broom closet (MUGGLE HIGH SCHOOL AU)Where stories live. Discover now