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Soobin went outside to get some fresh air. He sat behind a brick pillar and allowed his tears to flow down his cheeks. "Why are you crying?" Soobin lifted his head then rolled his eyes. "Because of this whole forced dating thing! I don't know if you know this, but I had soembody that I actually liked before my mom forced me to break up with him!" Soobin got up and started walking back inside. She stopped him and pinned him to the wall.

"You think I enjoy this? I had a boyfriend before you and my parents hated him so they made me break up with him and start dating you!" Soobin slapped her. "Well fuck our parents! I'm done with you and them!" Soobin pushed her away and went back inside the school building.

The bell rang, meaning it was 4th period. Soobin walked to his classroom and sat in the back row since he knew Kai and his friends sat in the bck.

Soobin raised his head at the sound of 3 loud voices entering the claroom. They sat in the seats next to him and continued talking. "Are you okay Kai? You haven't been talking as much as usual." Both Soobin and Kai looked over to the owner of the voice. "Im fine Yeonj-" Kai paused as he met eyes with Soobin.

His tears started rushing back to his eyes. "Kai?" Beomgyu noticed how he had stopped mid sentence and started staring. He looked over to where Kai was staring and rolled his eyes. Beomgyu cupped Kais cheeks and kissed his nose. "He isn't worth your tears." He said softly and wiped the tears falling from his face.

Kai leaned back in his chair and waited for the teacher. Soobin would glace over to Kai every once in a while and although he had a straight face, he had a tear running down his face.

The bell rung once more and everybody started packing up their things, including Soobin. Kai was in all of Soobins classes including P.E.

Kai was self conscious so he wore his gym clothes under his baggy clothes and just took them off when it was time for gym. After changing, Soobin went into the Gym and picked a random spot to stretch. "Alright boys, listen up." The girls and boys were seperated in Gym class which is why there is 2 gyms.

"Today I put all you guys in partners for the daily exercise. I partnered you all with certain people because of your weight and physical abilities."

As the P.E teacher called out the partners one by one until Soobin and Kai were left. "And lastly, Choi Soobin and HueningKai." The teacher smiled slightly then asked everybody to seperate into their groups. Kai nervously went over to Soobin.

"Start off with 50 sit-ups each and when you're done come see me for your next task." Everybody scattered to find a spot with their partner while Soobin and Kai just stood there doing nothing.

"Are you boys deaf? I said start off with 50 push-ups." The coach said sternly. "C-Can I work alone?" Kai stuttered out. "No you cannot, now go." Kai sighed in defeat and ran over to the corner of the room while Soobin followed.

"Do you want to go first?" Soobin asked. Kai nodded silently and layed on the ground with his knees bent upwards. (A/n: I'm actually in that position now lol)

Soobin placed his hands on Kais feet and pushed down just enough so his feet wouldn't lift up but not enough for it to hurt.






Kai sat up fully and grabbed his water bottle. Soobin was zoned out and didn't realize that Kai was done. Suddenly, he felt a warm breeze graze over his face.

He blinked a few times before realizing how close their faces were. Soobin let go of his feet and scooted backwards. After Kai chuckled, he scooted next to him. "Its your turn." He mumbled.

Soobin nodded and got into the same position that Kai was in a few minutes back. Kai leaned on Soobins feet and rested his head on his knee. Soobin smiled at the younger before starting his part of the exercise.

Kai continued to rest his chin on his knee until something touched his lips. "Don't kiss me." He mumbled. Soobin chuckled. "Do I not get sonething in return for you using my knee as a sleeping rest?"


I write all of these in advance and I switch from my phone and laptop so sometimes the text my look weird. Sorry

(DISCONTINUED) sweethearts to enemies Where stories live. Discover now